Page 13 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 13

xii  Contents

                       Urethra                               296      Vulva                                 319     Penis                                 297      Species variation                     319
                                                                      Species variation
                       Species variation
                       Prepuce (praeputium)
                       Species variation                     299      Oestrous cycle                        319
                                                                      Cyclic changes in the ovary
                       Penis of birds                        300      Hormonal effects on the uterine tubes   320
                         Accessory structures of the phallus  300     Cyclic changes in the uterus          320
                                                                      Oviduct of birds                      321
                   14  Female reproductive system
                       (organa genitalia feminina)          301       Structure                             321
                                                                        Infundibulum  322
                       H.-G. Liebich and S. Kölle
                                                                        Magnum  322
                       Ovary (ovar, ovarium)                 301        Isthmus  323
                       Structure of the ovary                302        Uterus  323
                       Species variation                     302        Vagina  323
                         Cortex (cortex ovarii, zona
                            parenchymatosa)  302                  15  Common integument
                            Ovarian follicle  302                     (integumentum commune)               324
                              Primordial and primary follicles  302   H.-G. Liebich, S. Reese and K.-D. Budras
                              Secondary follicles  303
                       Species variation                     305      Structure of the skin                 324
                              Tertiary follicles  306                 Skin as a protective organ            325
                              Mature follicles  307                   Epidermis                             325
                              Follicular atresia  308                 Dermis (corium)                       328
                              Ovulation  308                            Papillary layer (stratum papillare)  328
                            Corpus luteum  309                          Reticular layer (stratum reticulare)  328
                              Formation of the corpus luteum  309     Hypodermis (subcutis)                 330
                       Species variation                     309      Skin glands (glandulae cutis)         331
                              Regression of the corpus luteum  311      Sweat glands (glandulae sudoriferi)  331
                         Medulla (medulla ovarii, zona vasculosa)  311  Sebaceous glands (glandulae sebaceae)  332
                       Species variation                     311      Pigmentation                          332
                         Ovary of birds  311
                         Oogenesis  312                               Skin as an organ of thermoregulation   332
                                                                      Vessels of the skin                   332
                       Uterine tube (tuba uterina)           312      Hair (pili) and hair follicles        333
                       Structure of the uterine tube         313        Hair structure  333
                         Tunica mucosa  314                             Root sheath structure  334
                         Tunica muscularis  314                            Epithelial root sheath  334
                         Tela subserosa and tunica serosa  314             Dermal root sheath  335
                                                                        Types of hair  335
                       Uterus                                314
                       Structure of the uterus               315           Sinus hair (pilus tactilis)  335
                         Endometrium  315                             Species variation                     335
                       Species variation                     316      Skin as a sensory organ               335
                         Myometrium  316
                         Perimetrium  317                             Skin as an immunological barrier      335
                       Cervix (cervix uteri)                 317      Skin modifications                    336
                       Species variation                     318      Mammary gland (udder, mamma, glandula
                                                                        mammaria)                           336
                       Vagina                                318        Structure of lactating mammary gland  337
                       Structure of the vagina               318           Alveoli (acini)  337
                         Tunica mucosa  318                                Ducts (ductus lactiferi)  338
                       Species variation                     318           Lactiferous sinus (sinus lactifer)  338
                         Tunica muscularis  318                            Interstitium of the lactating mammary
                         Tunica serosa and tunica adventitia  318
                                                                             gland  338

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