Page 10 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 10

Contents  ix

                        Vessels and sinuses  156            156      Enteroendocrine system                177    Spleen (lien)                         157      Additional endocrine cells            178
                      Species variation

                        Structure of the spleen  157
                        Splenic parenchyma and blood             10  Digestive system                     179
                                                                     (apparatus digestorius)
                           vessels  157
                      Lymphatic organs of birds             159      H.-G. Liebich
                        Lymph nodes  159                             Oral cavity (cavum oris)              179
                        Cloacal bursa (bursa cloacalis, bursa        Lip (labium)                          180
                           Fabricii)  160                            Cheek (bucca)                         182
                        Spleen  160                                  Palate (palatum)                      182
                                                                       Hard palate (palatum durum)  182
                  9  Endocrine system                                  Soft palate (palatum molle, velum
                      (systema endocrinum)                 161            palatinum)  183
                      H.-G. Liebich                                  Species variation                     183
                                                                     Tongue (lingua)                       184
                      Hypothalamo-hypophyseal system        161      Species variation                     184
                      Hypothalamus                          162        Lingual papillae  184
                      Hypophysis cerebri (pituitary gland)   163          Mechanical papillae  185
                        Adenohypophysis  163                              Gustatory papillae  185
                           Pars distalis  163                          Innervation and blood supply of the
                             Chromophobic cells (endocrinocytus           tongue  187
                               chromophobus)  163                    Tooth (dens)                          187
                             Chromophilic cells                        Enamel (enamelum)  187
                               (endocrinocytus chromophilus)  163      Dentin (dentinum)  188
                           Pars tuberalis  165                         Dental pulp (pulpa coronalis)  189
                           Pars intermedia  165                        Attachment apparatus of the teeth  189
                        Neurohypophysis  165                              Cementum  189

                      Pineal gland (epiphysis cerebri)      166           Periodontal ligament  189
                      Species variation                     167           Alveolar bone  189
                                                                     Salivary glands (glandulae oris)      189
                      Thyroid gland (glandula thyroidea)    167        Salivary gland structure  189
                      Structure of the thyroid gland        168        Parotid salivary gland  191
                        Follicular cells (endocrinocytus               Mandibular salivary gland  192
                           follicularis)  169                          Sublingual salivary glands  192
                        C cells (cellula parafollicularis)  170      Species variation                     192
                      Species variation                     170
                                                                     Pharynx                               193
                      Parathyroid gland
                      (glandula parathyroidea)              170      Tubular digestive organs              193
                                                                     Structure of tubular digestive organs   193
                      Adrenal gland (glandula suprarenalis)   171      Tunica mucosa  194
                      Species variation                     171        Tela submucosa  194
                      Adrenal cortex (cortex glandulae                 Tunica muscularis  195
                        suprarenalis)                       172        Tunica adventitia  195
                        Zona arcuata/glomerulosa  172                  Tunica serosa  195
                        Zona fasciculata  173                        Oesophagus                            195
                        Zona reticularis  174                        Species variation                     197
                      Adrenal medulla (medulla glandulae             Stomach (gaster, ventriculus)         198
                        suprarenalis)                       174        Glandular stomach (pars glandularis)  199
                        Innervation  174                                  Cardiac glands  201
                                                                          Proper gastric (fundic) glands  201
                      Paraganglia                           175
                                                                            Isthmus  201
                      Pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans,              Neck  203
                      insulae pancreaticae)                 176             Body and fundus  203

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