Page 6 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 6


                  Foreword                                   xv           Golgi apparatus (complexus golgiensis)  13
                  Translator’s note                         xvii          Membrane recycling  14
                  About the companion website               xviii      Organelles of cellular respiration and
                                                                          energy production  14
                  1  The cell (cellula)                       1           Mitochondria  14
                      H.-G. Liebich                                       Number and distribution of

                      Cell membrane (cytolemma, membrana                    mitochondria  16
                      cellularis)                             1      Cell contractility and motility        16

                      Cell membrane structure                 1      Actin filaments (microfilaments)       16
                      Lipid bilayer                           2      Microtubules                           17
                      Membrane proteins                       3        Centriole (centriolum)  19
                        Integral membrane proteins  3                  Microtubule-organising centre (MTOC)  19
                        Peripheral membrane proteins  3                Cilia  20
                      Membrane polysaccharides                3      Intermediate filaments                 20
                      Plasmalemma                             3        Keratins (cytokeratins, tonofilaments)  21
                                                                       Vimentin and vimentin-like proteins  21
                      Cellular metabolism                     4        Neurofilaments  21
                      Mechanisms of substrate uptake          5        Lamin A and lamin B  21
                        Membrane transport  5
                        Vesicular transport  5                       Exogenous and endogenous cellular
                           Endocytosis  5                            inclusions                             21
                             Pinocytosis  6                          Endogenous pigments                    22
                             Receptor-mediated endocytosis  6        Exogenous pigments                     22
                             Phagocytosis  6                         Nucleus                                22
                           Exocytosis  7                             Number, size, shape and position       23
                           Endosomal system  8                       Nuclear envelope (nucleolemma)         24
                      Intracellular metabolism                8      Nucleoplasm (nucleoplasma)             24
                        Cell matrix (cytosol)  8                       Chromatin (chromatinum)  25
                        Lysosomes (lysosoma)  9                           Euchromatin (euchromatinum)  25
                           Lysosome structure  9                          Heterochromatin (heterochromatinum)  26
                        Peroxisomes (peroxisoma)  10                   Nucleolus  26
                        Organelles of anabolism  10
                           Ribosomes (ribosoma)  10                  Cell growth and division               26
                             Ribosome structure  10                  Cell cycle                             27
                           Endoplasmic reticulum (reticulum            Interphase  27
                             endoplasmaticum)  11                      Mitotic (M) phase: nuclear division
                           Rough endoplasmic reticulum (reticulum         (karyokinesis) and cytoplasmic division
                             endoplasmaticum granulosum)  11              (cytokinesis)  28
                           Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (reticulum        Prophase  28
                             endoplasmaticum nongranulosum)  12           Metaphase  28
                        Organelles of protein modification and            Anaphase  29
                           vesicular trafficking  13                      Telophase  29

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