Page 301 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 301

Male reproductive system (organa genitalia masculina)   283

                  13.9  Heads of spermatozoa in the maturation phase   13.10  Anlage of the neck of the tail of a spermato-
                  of spermiogenesis (bull; x6000).               zoon (bull; x11,000).

                  profile. It is 2–3 μm thick and 5–10 μm long. Most of the  structure consisting of a central tubule pair surrounded by
                  nuclear chromatin is strongly condensed.       nine tubule doublets (Figure 13.8). The outer tubules are
                     The acrosome covers approximately two-thirds of the  surrounded by dense outer fibres (fibrae densae externae),
                  nucleus and contains hydrolytic enzymes, hyaluronidase,  which are covered by a mitochondrial sheath (vagina
                  neuraminidase and acrosin. These enzymes are required  mitochondrialis). The mitochondria are arranged in spi-
                  for penetration by the spermatozoon of the corona radiata  rals. Energy provided by the mitochondria serves to propel
                  and zona pellucida of the oocyte (see Chapter 14, ‘Female  the spermatozoa. The mitochondria end at the annulus,
                  reproductive system’) and are thus essential for fertilisa-  the distal limit of the middle piece. The middle piece is
                  tion. In the bull, the proximal portion of the acrosome is  5–7 μm in length.
                  elongated (Figure 13.9), forming the acrosomal process   Measuring 50 μm, the principal piece (pars princi-
                  (0.5 μm in length). This is separated from the tip of the  palis)  is the longest segment of the tail (Figure 13.8).
                  nucleus by the perforatium. An invagination at the distal  The axoneme continues through the principal piece, the
                  end of the nucleus forms the implantation fossa (Figure  outer fibres decreasing towards its distal end. Beneath
                  13.8).                                         the plasmalemma, two semicircular elements composed
                     Non-viable spermatozoon heads stain with eosin, meth-  of fibrillar structural proteins form a peripheral fibrous
                  ylene blue and bromophenol blue. Staining properties are  sheath  (vagina fibrosa). The distal end of the fibrous
                  used in evaluating the quality of ejaculate.   sheath marks the beginning of the end piece.
                     The tail of the spermatozoon consists of a neck, middle   The end piece (pars terminalis) is 5–7 μm long and
                  piece, principal piece and end piece.          contains only the microtubule complex. The ordered
                     The neck (pars conjungens) is the articulation between  microtubular structure is lost distally, with plasmalemma
                  the head and the distal segments of the spermatozoon  surrounding the free ends of the tubules.
                  (Figure 13.8). Forming the proximal portion of the flagel-
                  lum, the neck is composed of a capitulum connected by a  cyclic events of sPeRmatogenesis
                  basal plate to the implantation fossa. The capitulum con-  Spermatogenesis is characterised by strict regulation and
                  tinues distally as the striated body (columna striata) that  chronological synchronisation of the processes of division
                  merges with the outer dense fibres (fibrae densae exter-  and differentiation. Each new generation of cells appears
                  nae) of the middle piece.                      more or less concurrently and undergoes synchronous
                     The proximal centriole and remnants of the distal cen-  development. Descendants of a single spermatogo-
                  triole are incorporated into these structures. The axoneme  nium are referred to as a phase. The term stage (= cell
                  (filamentum axiale) begins at the centre of the neck.  association) describes a particular combination of cell
                     The axoneme extends through the central axis of the  populations, as observed within a histological section of
                  middle piece (pars intermedia). It has a typical flagellar  the tubule. Regions of the tubule occupied by a given

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