Page 302 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 302

284  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   stage of germ cells are referred to as segments. The sum  after their discoverer Enrico Sertoli (1842–1910), as Sertoli  of all segments along the length of the tubule constitutes a   cells.
                   spermatogenic wave.
                                                                     In adult, sexually active mammals, columnar susten-
                      Characteristic cell associations arise from generations  tacular cells (70–80 μm high) extend from the basement
                   of cells in different states of differentiation. The cycle of  membrane to the tubular lumen. They are pyramidal in
                   the seminiferous epithelium consists of the recurring  shape, tapering towards the lumen from a broad base rest-
                   sequences of cellular associations at a particular point in  ing on the basement membrane. Sustentacular cells lie
                   the tubule.                                    between the differentiating germ cells with which they are
                      Based on morphological criteria, the number of stages  in structural and functional contact through specialised
                   of the seminiferous epithelial cycle is not necessarily fixed  intercellular connections (Figures 13.11 to 13.13).
                   (8–16 in the bull, 8 in the ram, 6–8 in the boar and 8 in the   The ovoid to ellipsoid nucleus is euchromatic and is
                   stallion).                                     typically located basally. Under seasonal influences, or dur-
                      Generally, only one stage of the cycle is visible in a  ing sexual quiescence, the nucleus may become displaced
                   histological cross-section of the tubule (Figures 13.4 to  towards the lumen. Migration of the nucleus also occurs
                   13.6). Except for some irregularities, segments are gener-  during certain stages of the seminiferous epithelial cycle.
                   ally arranged so that they follow the next most developed  The nucleolus is reticulated (net-like). In ruminants, the
                   stage of the cycle.                            nucleoli are also characteristically multivesicular.
                      The duration of spermatogenesis is approximately 49   Numerous thin, branching  cytoplasmic processes
                   days in the stallion, 52 days in the bull, 52 days in the ram  extend from the lateral walls of the sustentacular cells to
                   and 34 days in the boar. Final maturation of spermatozoa  surround the various stages of spermatogenic cells. These
                   takes place in the epididymis.                 contribute actively to trans-epithelial migration of germ
                                                                  cells and to release of spermatozoa into the tubular lumen
                   SUSTENTACULAR CELLS (SERTOLI CELLS,            (spermiation). The cytoplasm contains a well-developed
                   EPITHELIOCYTI SUSTENTANTES)                    Golgi apparatus, numerous mitochondria and, in pigs and
                   In addition to germ cells, the spermatogenic epithelium  ruminants, abundant rough ER. The smooth ER is well
                   contains somatic cells referred to as sustentacular cells or,  developed in all species. Particularly in ruminants, pigs and

                                                                  Spermatozoa approaching spermiation

                                                                                          Cytoplasm of
                                                                                          sustentacular cell
                              Cytoplasm of                                                Spermatid (late
                           sustentacular cell                                             maturation phase)

                                Spermatid                                                 Spermatid
                               (cap phase)                                                (cap phase)
                           (acrosome phase)                                               Tubulobulbar
                              (Golgi phase)
                       Primary spermatocyte                                               Primary spermatocyte
                           with cytoplasmic                                               with cytoplasmic
                               connection                                                 connection
                          Junctions between                                               Cytoplasm of a
                          sustentacular cells                                             sustentacular cell
                                                                                          Endoplasmic reticulum
                         Basal compartment
                           Spermatogonium                                                 Basement membrane

                                                      Nucleus of sustentacular cell
                   13.11  Sustentacular cell and various stages of spermatogenesis (schematic; based on the bull).

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