Page 318 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 318

300  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   Penis of birds                                    In species with a non-protrusible phallus, erection also  In birds with a protrusible phallus, the penis arises as the  occurs due to engorgement with lymph, although in these
                   basis phalli in the ventral wall of the cloaca, where it rests  species the erect phallus protrudes only slightly, if at all,
                   in a trough-like plate of fibrocartilage, the corpus fibrocar-
                                                                  from the cloaca.
                   tilagineum. It incorporates a lymphatic cistern (cisterna
                   lymphatica basis phalli) that is partly divided into left and  Accessory structures of the phallus
                   right components. The cistern continues as a narrow  The vascular body of the phallus consists of a capillary
                   chamber (cisterna lymphatica corporis phalli) that extends  tuft (originating from the pudendal artery) that is intri-
                   around the cutaneous and glandular phallic sacs (saccus  cately intermingled with lymphatic vessels. Fluid passes
                   cutaneous phalli and saccus glandularis phalli). These sacs  from blood capillaries into the interstitium, from which it
                   form the hollow interior of the body (corpus) of the phallus.  enters the lymph vessels. The lymph passes through two
                   The more proximal cutaneous sac leads into the glandular  ducts into the lymphatic cisterns of the phallus. Filling of
                   sac. In the non-tumescent phallus, the body is completely  these cisterns is responsible for erection, aided by contrac-
                   invaginated and the junction between the cutaneous and  tion of the m. sphincter cloacae.
                   glandular phallic sacs, the flexura phalli, is curved.  During detumescence, the phallus is returned to its
                      During intumescence, lymph derived from the vas-  invaginated state by the action of the typically striated
                   cular body of the phallus (see below) fills the lymphatic  m. retractor phalli  in  the ventral  wall of the  cloaca,
                   cisterns to bring about erection. This results in eversion of  with assistance from the elastic ligament of the phallus.
                   the cutaneous phallic sac. The glandular sac is not everted  In waterfowl, lymph is pumped from the phallus by two
                   (it comes to lie within the cutaneous sac). As a result, the  lymph hearts (cor lymphatica), each located above the
                   exteriorised flexura phalli becomes the tip (apex) of the  transverse process of the first free caudal vertebra.
                   erect phallus. A phallic sulcus (sulcus phalli) spirals around
                   the free part of the erect phallus.

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