Page 314 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 314

296  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   glucuronidase and acid phosphatases, as well as fibrolysin   The secretory product of the bulbourethral gland is  and prostaglandins. While the secretion of the vesicular  mucous, gelatinous and stringy. It is discharged prior to
                   glands promotes motility of spermatozoa by its alkaline  ejaculation serving to neutralise the urethra and lubricate
                   nature, the secretory product of the prostate gland initiates  the vagina (in the pig, bulbourethral gland secretion is part
                   active progressive movement of ejaculated spermatozoa.  of the ejaculate).
                   The weakly alkaline secretion neutralises the acid environ-
                   ment of the vagina.                              Species variation
                                                                    Horse: The gland is surrounded by striated muscle (m.
                   Bulbourethral gland (glandula bulbourethralis)   bulboglandularis); six to eight ductus glandulae bulbo-
                   The paired bulbourethral glands lie on the dorsolateral   urethrales open into the urethra.
                   aspect of the pelvic urethra at the level of the proximal   Ox and sheep: Short intermediate segments connect
                   bulbus penis. In the tomcat, boar and billy goat, the gland   expanded collecting ducts with secretory end pieces.
                   is compound and predominantly tubular. The glandular
                   morphology in the bull, ram and stallion is branched tub-  Pig: The glandula bulbourethralis is particularly well
                   ulo-alveolar. Bulbourethral glands are absent in the dog.  developed.  The  m.  bulboglandularis  forms  a  cuff
                      The gland contains lobules of varying size. Alveolar   around the cylindrical gland.
                   and tubular end pieces open into well-developed collect-  Cat: The ducts are expanded into sinus-like chambers.
                   ing ducts from which the secretion travels through a main   These are connected by short, unbranched portions
                   excretory (bulbourethral) duct into the urethra (Figure   to the glandular end pieces. Due to its high glycogen
                   13.31). The glandular tissue is surrounded by loose con-  content, the glandular secretion (pre-ejaculate) may act
                   nective tissue incorporating solitary smooth muscle cells.   as a source of energy for the spermatozoa (fructose-
                   Denser fibrous trabeculae connect the connective tissue   producing vesicular glands are absent in the tomcat).
                   with a superficial fibro-elastic capsule. As well as smooth
                   muscle, the capsule encloses striated muscle tissue or  Urethra
                   merges with adjoining skeletal muscles (e.g. m. bulbo-  The male urethra commences at the internal opening of the
                   glandularis, m. bulbospongiosus).              neck of the bladder (ostium urethrae internum). It passes
                      The secretory portion of the gland is lined by simple  along the floor of the pelvis to the ischial arch and enters
                   columnar epithelium with isolated basal cells. The baso-  the penis. The urethra ends at the ostium urethrum exter-
                   philic cytoplasm houses a spherical nucleus. Secretory  nae. In the boar and carnivore, the ostium is near the tip of
                   product is released into collecting ducts lined with cuboi-  the penis. In the stallion, bull, ram and billy goat, the exter-
                   dal to columnar epithelium. In the larger intraglandular  nal urethral opening is located at the end of the processus
                   portions of the duct system, the epithelium gradually  urethrae. The urethra is divided into a pelvic portion (pars
                   becomes pseudostratified. At the end of the bulboure-  pelvina urethrae) composed of a pars praeprostatica, pars
                   thral duct (ductus glandulae bulbourethralis) the lining   prostatica and a pars membranacea, and a cavernous penile
                   transforms into transitional epithelium.       portion (pars spongiosa urethrae, pars externa urethrae).

                   13.31  Lobule of bulbourethral gland (bull). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x200).

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