Page 415 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 415


                  The suffixes f and t indicate a figure or   actin-myosin complex 17, 98  alveolar sacs 248, 252
                  table on that page, respectively  α-actinin 35                 alveolar septum 255
                                                  action potential 109           alveolares 248
                  A cells 177                     adaptive immune response 134, 157  alveoli 248, 252–5
                  A fibres 113                    adductin 17                    amacrine cell 364
                  A-subfibre 19                   adenohypophysis 161, 163–5     amine precursor uptake and
                  abomasum 207, 210                 pars distalis 163–5                decarboxylation (APUD) cells
                  absorption 121, 220                 chromophilic cells 163–5         161, 219, 241, 246
                  absorptive surface 217              chromophobic cells 163     amorphous ground substance 65, 69, 77
                  accessory sex glands 276, 292–6    pars tuberalis 165          ampulla
                    species variation 294           pars intermedia 165            ductus deferens 290, 292
                      carnivores 292, 295         adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 14, 91    semi-circular canal 375, 376, 379
                     cat 296                      ADH see antidiuretic hormone     uterine tube 312
                     dog 292                      adhering junctions 101         anal canal 193, 223–4
                      horse 292, 294, 295, 296    adipocytes 71                    zones
                      ox 292, 294, 295, 296       adluminal compartment 285, 286      zona columnaris 224
                      pig 292, 294, 295, 296      adrenal gland 171–5                zona cutanea 224
                     sheep 296                      adrenal cortex 172–4             zona intermedia 224
                      small ruminants 295             zona arcuata/glomerulosa 172–3  anal columns 224
                    structural features of male       zona fasciculata 173–4     anal sacs 224
                        reproductive systems 293      zona reticularis 174       anchoring junctions 35–6
                      bulbourethral glands 293, 296    adrenal medulla 174–5       desmosome 35, 36
                      pars glandularis of ductus      innervation 174–5            zonula adherens 35–6
                        deferens 292                species variation 171        androgens 286, 307
                      prostate gland 293, 294–6   adrenaline-secreting cells 174  amitosis 30
                      vesicular glands 292, 294   adrenergic receptors 94        ankyrin 17
                  acetylcholine 99, 109, 358      adrenocorticotrophic hormone   annular ligaments 247
                  avian lymph node 133                  (ACTH) 81, 140, 165, 174  annular pad 369
                  acidophilic erythroblast 136    afferent arterioles 260, 264   annular rings 130
                  acinar or tubulo-acinar end pieces 190  afferent lymph vessels 154, 156  annulus 282, 283
                  axolemma 107                    aggregated lymphatic nodules 220, 221  annulus ossicularis sclerae 354
                  acrosin 283                     agranulocytes 137, 140–3       anocutaneous line 224
                  acrosomal cap 282                 lymphocytes 140–2            anorectal line 224
                  acrosomal granule 281              formation 140               ANP see atrial natriuretic peptide
                  acrosomal membrane 282             morphology 140–2            anterior bulb 370
                  acrosomal phase 282                 B cells 142                anterior chamber 370
                  acrosomal process 283               T cells 142                anterior epithelium 354
                  acrosomal vesicle 281           air capillaries 257            antibodies 64, 142, 148
                  acrosome 282                    air sacs, walls of 257         antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 272
                  ACTH see adrenocorticotrophic   albumen 322, 323               antigen-presenting cells (APCs) 148,
                        hormone                   aldosterone 173, 272                 149, 336
                  actin filaments (microfilaments) 16–17,   alkaline mucous secretion 201  antigens
                        29, 92, 98                alveolar bone 189                elimination of 149
                    free G-actin 17               alveolar ducts 248               immune response 148
                    polymerised F-actin 17        alveolar macrophages 255         presentation of 149

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