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398  Index

                   antrum 306                      bactericidal properties 219      veins 127–9  apical foramen 189             band neutrophils 138           blood-air barrier 254, 255, 257
                                                                                    venules 129
                                                   BALT see mucosa-associated lymphoid
                   APCs see antigen-presenting cells
                                                                                  blood-brain barrier 389
                   apocrine glands 331
                   apocrine secretion 54–6
                                                                                  blood-urine barrier 267
                                                   barbules 345
                   apocrine sweat gland 336        barbs 345                      blood-testis barrier 286, 287
                   apoptosis 9, 31–2               basal body 17, 19, 33          Bodian method 107bone 80–90
                   appositional growth 77          basal cells 239–40, 289, 306, 314, 350–1,     cells 81–4
                   APUD see amine precursor uptake and   353                         bone-lining 82–3
                         decarboxylation           basal compartment 285             osteoblast 81–2
                   aqua vesiculae lentis 369       basal complex 355                 osteoclast 83–4
                   aqueous humour 356, 370         basal labyrinth 269               osteocyte 83
                   arachnoid 389                   basal lamina 40, 41, 131, 229, 309, 334     osteoprogenitor 81
                   arachnoid granulation villi 389  basal plate 283                 compact 80
                   arcuate arteries 260            basal surface specialisations 37–8    growth factors 81
                   arcus veli palatini 183           basement membrane 37–8          hormones 81
                   area centralis horizontalis 367      lamina basalis 37–8           vitamin A & C 81
                   area centralis rotunda 364          lamina fibroreticularis 38    matrix 84–5
                   area centralis striaeformis 364      lamina lucida 37              inorganic component 84–5
                   area cribrosa 363                 focal adhesions 37               organic component 84
                   area cribrosa sclerae 354         hemidesmosomes 37              new formation 87–90
                   area retinae 366                basement membrane 41, 265, 267     endochondral ossification
                   argyrophilic staining 68        basilar membrane 378, 380            89–90
                   arteries 125–6, 129–30          basis phalli 300                  intramembranous ossification
                     elastic 126                   basket cells 190, 385                87–8
                     muscular 126, 127             basophil 138                     periosteum 80
                     schematic structure 123       basophilic erythroblast 136      spongy or trabecular 80, 87
                     specialised 126               bile canaliculus 234             types 85–7
                   arterioles 126-7                bile duct 227, 228, 234           lamellar 85–7
                   arteriovenous anastomoses 122, 129    species variation (birds) 235     woven 85
                   axonemal dyneins 18             bile ductules 234              bone marrow 152
                   astrocytes 116                  bile formation 231             bone tissue 85–7
                   ATP see adenosine triphosphate  biogenic amines 109            bouton en passant 94
                   atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) 101,   biological membrane 1  Bowman’s capsule 262, 264, 265–7
                         178                       bipolar neurons 243, 351         parietal layer 265, 267
                   atriopeptin 101                 bladder 93, 274–5                urinary space 265, 267
                   atrioventricular bundle 130     blood 134–45, 337                visceral layer 265
                   atrioventricular node 130         cell differentiation 135–6   bradykinin 273
                   auditory aperture 373               haemopoietic stem cells 135  brain sand 167
                   auditory ossicles 374               progenitor cells 135–6     brain stem 99
                   auditory tube 374                 formation of cells (haemopoiesis)   branched simple glands 53
                   Auerbach plexus 195, 211, 224         134–5                    bronchial tree 256
                   autocrine 277                       bone marrow 135              histological features of domestic
                   autolysis 9, 31                    regulation 134–5                  mammals 256t
                   autolysosome 10                   platelets 144–5                  alveolar ducts 256
                   autonomic ganglia 106, 194, 195      blood clot formation 145     alveoli 256
                   autonomic innervation 328          development 144–5              bronchi 256
                   autonomic nerve fibres 219          structure and function 145     bronchioles 256
                   autonomic nerves 94               red blood cells 136–7            respiratory bronchioles 256
                   autonomic nervous system 381, 383,      development 136            terminal bronchioles 256
                         388                         white blood cells 137–43     bronchioles 250–1
                   autophagosome 10                   agranulocytes 140–3           respiratory 252
                   autophagy 10                       granulocytes 137–40             species variation 252
                   axon 109, 113, 114              blood vascular system 119        schematic 251f
                   axon fascicles 242                structural differences in vessels 121  brood patch 344
                   axonal conduction 111           blood vessels 122–9            brown fat 72
                   axoneme 283                       arteries 125–6               brush cells 239
                   axoplasm 107                       elastic 126                 Bruch’s membrane 355
                   azurophilic granules 138, 143      muscular 126                Brunner’s glands 220–1
                                                     arterioles 126–7             brush border 33, 218
                   B cells (B lymphocytes) 64, 140, 146,     innervation 125      buccal glands 182
                         148, 149, 177               kidney 260                   bulb 353–70
                   B fibres 113                      nutritional 125                fibrous tunic 353–5
                   B microtubule 33                  structure 122–5                 cornea 354

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