Page 144 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 144

128    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

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          FIGURE 8.12  Anxious, scared, or nervous cats. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Used under CC BY‐SA 3.0,
          communication#/media/File:Siam_blue_point.jpg;; https://commons.wikimedia.

          important to know that a fight may erupt, and you don’t   docking or dewclaw removal is to be carried out it is best
          want  to  be  caught  in  the  middle  of  a  rumble!  This  is   to take puppies to a back room, so the mother can’t hear
          avoided or reduced by introducing animals with cages   them. Excessive handling of newborn kittens can some-
          close enough for the animals to smell and look at each   times cause the mother to eat her young. Again, this is a
          other but not to have physical contact with each other.  defense  mechanism,  although  we may  think  it  is  hor-
            Sex drive in males can be an overpowering urge that   rible. It is best to leave the family alone until the new-
          can turn normally very docile animals into very aggres-  borns open their eyes and ears and are becoming
          sive animals if you are the one keeping them from their   mobile.
          target. Maternal instinct also has a very strong effect on
          behavior, again even the most docile animal will become
          aggressive if their offspring is being “attacked.” From a   Reflection
          human’s perspective this may be just a wish to pet the
          youngster! Dogs, cats, and ferrets bear young that spend   Think about all of the instinctual behaviors
          the first few weeks of life blind, deaf and helpless, totally   patients have: maternal instincts, territorial
          dependent on their mother for survival. Mothers can be   instincts, and sex drive. Why do these make such
          defensive of their young and often get quite agitated   an impact on how a patient may behave?
          when their young vocalize. If procedures such as tail
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