Page 148 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 148

132    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          FIGURE 8.20  Cat in carrier transfer by lift to kennel.
                                                             FIGURE 8.22  Carrying cat or small dog properly.

                                                             To carry a small patient properly, slide your non‐domi-
                                                             nant hand under its chest coming out between the front
                                                             legs using your fingers to grasp the front legs
                                                             (Figure 8.22).


                                                               Can you think of other ways that cats and ferrets
                                                               could be removed from a carrier? What treats or
                                                               tricks could you come up with?

                                                               Use an elbow to pin their body against your side. The
                                                             other hand slips the leash over the head and, holding
                                                             onto the loop, cradle the head under the jaw with that
          FIGURE 8.21  Cat in carrier transfer with towel to kennel.
                                                             hand. This allows you to let go of the head to open doors
                                                             but hang onto the leash in case the animal should try to
            If the cat or ferret won’t step out, take the lid off the   escape. Toss a treat into the kennel and place the animal
          carrier and lift with both hands one over each shoulder   into the kennel, facing the treat, then remove the leash.
          and quickly move it into the kennel (Figure 8.20). If the   Put an ID collar on the pet and cage card on the kennel.
          patient should be upset, use a large, thick towel to cover   Give them water, unless told not to because of an
          it completely and then scoop it up as if it is the contents   upcoming procedure, which in that case the cage card is
          of an upside‐down taco and into the kennel (Figure 8.21).   marked to reflect that procedure. If the first treat was
          Offering a few chewy treats after such egregious handling   accepted, another treat can be offered to take the sting
          may be appreciated. Replace the lid to the carrier and   out of being placed into a kennel, if not leave it in case
          return  it  to  the  owner.  Then  return  promptly  to  the   the patient is a shy eater. Adding a towel or blanket from
          patient to place cage card and ID collar on the patient,   home or a piece of the owner’s clothing will also help the
          respectively. Remember to snip off the excess ID collar   patient settle down. Double check that the kennel or run
          after it is fitted around the neck.                door is securely latched.
            If a cat, ferret, or small dog is carried into the clinic   Medium‐sized dogs are placed in the floor level ken-
          you will most likely be handing the pet. It doesn’t hurt to   nels and large dogs are put in runs. Avoid lifting these
          put the slip leash around the animal’ neck. It is another   sized dogs if possible. Walk the dog up to the door of the
          security step if the animal should leap from your arms.   kennel, toss in a couple treats and tell them to “kennel.”
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