Page 153 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 153

Chapter 8  Restraint of Animals  137

                                                                FIGURE 8.35  Arm’s reaching over the top and grasping legs.

             FIGURE 8.33  Examining the head using a towel.

                                                                FIGURE 8.36  Holding the patient down with wrist and arm.

                                                                FIGURE 8.37  Offering treats while in lateral recumbency.

             FIGURE 8.34  Positioning for lateral recumbency.
                                                                Only apply a light pressure in these areas to keep the
                                                                animal in the down position.
             takes two people working in tandem with the legs. Once   If the animal should struggle, lift the legs up slightly
             in position the person on the front end will take over   towards the ceiling and apply a bit more pressure to the
             holding the animal in position.                    neck and flank. The instant the patient stops struggling,
               For lateral recumbency, start by positioning the body   release the pressure and lower the legs back to the table.
             of the patient length‐wise on the table and perpendic-  This is a reward for lying still. Another technique is to
             ular to your body (Figure 8.34). Reach both arms over   use treats while the patient is lying down to keep them
             the  patient’s  back  and  grasp  both  front  legs  with  one   occupied. Cheese on a stick or the soft chewy treats work
             hand and both back legs with the other hand        very well with both dogs and cats (Figure 8.37). If this
             (Figure  8.35). Lift and move the legs away from your   hold is being done for an IV injection or blood draw, the
             body, allowing the patient’s back to slide down your   hand holding the back legs releases both, while the hand
             chest. Keep hold of the legs, position the wrist holding   holding the front leg raises them towards the ceiling just
             the front legs over the neck and the arm holding the back   a bit, so the patient is resting on its shoulder blade. Keep
             legs over the flank or along the rear end (Figure 8.36).   the wrist of the hand holding the front legs on the neck.
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