Page 158 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 158

142    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                                                             FIGURE 8.52  Cat being zipped into bag. Source: Sheldon, Sonstha-
                                                             gen, and Topel, 2017. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier.

             (a)                           (b)

          FIGURE 8.50  Elizabethan collar (a); and no‐bite neck brace (b).

                                                             FIGURE 8.53  Cat with back leg exposed. Source: Sheldon, Sonstha-
                                                             gen, and Topel, 2017. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier.

                                                               Cat bags or feline restraint bags are also used when a
                                                             cat is squirrelly or a bit naughty. The bag is opened wide
                                                             and the cat is set down on top of the bag (Figure 8.51).
          FIGURE 8.51  Cat set down on top of cat bag. Source: Sheldon, Sonst-  The neck strap is placed around the neck and the zipper
          hagen, and Topel, 2017. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier.
                                                             is pulled to enclose them in the bag (Figure 8.52). Front
                                                             and back legs are accessible through the zippered open-
          to make it snug around the neck, just so it can’t be pulled   ings (Figure 8.53). Never leave a cat unattended in a cat
          off, you should be able to slip two fingers between the   bag on a table. They can still roll and if they roll off the
          collar and neck. Because the collar is longer than the   table they can get hurt.
          nose, the food and water dishes must be elevated so they   Gauntlets are heavy leather gloves used when dealing
          can still drink.                                   with an animal that wants to bite or scratch (Figure 8.54).
            Another type of anti‐mutilation device is the No‐Bite   They don’t protect you from bites as teeth can go through
          Neck Brace (B in Figure  8.50). This is a hard‐plastic   the leather, but it does tend to slow them down so you
          brace that encircles the neck and is attached to the   can get your fingers out of the way. Gauntlets reduce
          animal with a strap that encircles the chest. It is a little bit   your tactile sensation, so it is important to modify your
          less restrictive than the Elizabethan collar. However,   grip when using them on an animal. One of the best uses
          some patients are contortionists and will get at their   of them is as a distraction technique, put your fingers
          wounds when this collar is used.                   only in half way and while the animal is biting on the
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