Page 151 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 8 Restraint of Animals 135
FIGURE 8.29 Restraining for jugular venipuncture.
FIGURE 8.27 Head restraint for eye exam.
FIGURE 8.30 Standing restraint for abdominal and perianal exams.
FIGURE 8.28 Holding the head for oral examination.
You would gather the animal’s body close to yours and
using your thumb to hold it in place. If the patient place one arm over the back and around the neck while
requires its oral cavity to be examined, hands placed to the other supports the abdomen to keep the patient
either side of the head with fingers resting against the from sitting down. This works well for small and large
mandibles allows the veterinarian to open the mouth for dogs. For cats you may need to pick them up and pin
an examination (Figure 8.28). them to your side as if you were carrying them, see
Jugular venipuncture is often used when a large Figure 8.24.
amount of blood is needed for tests. The initial body If working with a small dog or cat that doesn’t like
placement is the same, note how the restrainer in being handled, wrapping them in a towel is an easy way
Figure 8.29 uses her body to “corral” the cat. Place index to control their bodies without exerting a lot of pressure
fingers along each side of the mandible and gently raise and causing anxiety. Start with the length of the towel
the head (Figure 8.29). It is to be hoped that someone is laid cross‐wise to the table. Set the patient just shy of the
available to offer treats on a stick to help distract the middle of the towel’s length. Cover the front paws with
patient. one side of the towel and then the rear end
The veterinarian will ask you to have the pet stand for (Figure 8.31a). Bring the shorter end over the body and
abdominal palpation (Figure 8.30) and to examine the tuck it snugly under the legs (Figure 8.31b). Bring the
anus and genitals. The patient in Figure 8.30 is a calm longer end of the towel over the body wrapping snugly
dog and is tolerating the examination well; however, if (Figure 8.31c). Then keep wrapping the towel until it is
the area is sore or the veterinarian needs to express the completely around the patient (Figure 8.31d). Grasp
anal glands a more restrictive hold would be prudent. the towel where all the ends meet just behind or to the