Page 192 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 192

176    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                                                                                 Eartips, ear plugs
                                                                                         Dual head chestpiece,
                                                                                          turnable diaphragm
                                                                   metal tubes,                       Bell
                                                             adjustable binaurals                     (with hole)

                                                                                     Headset  Stem  Drum

                                                                                Binaural spring

                                                                                Flexible tubing,    Diaphragm
                                                                                 rubber tube

                                                             FIGURE 10.5  Stethoscope. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Used
                                                             under CC‐BY‐SA 4.0,

          FIGURE 10.4  Femoral and pedal artery positions.
                                                             FIGURE 10.6  Auscultation areas for heart (red) and lungs (blue).
          patient record. Patient motion, hypotension, and patient
          obesity all play a part in the difficulty of finding the pulse.  costochondral junction, behind the left elbow (Figure 10.6,
            Arteries in horses are large and easy to feel but their   red dot). You should hear a solid “lub‐dub” as the valves
          heart rates are very slow so be patient! The facial artery is   open and close as the heart contracts. On occasion, the
          the most convenient as it runs along the medial aspect of   heart beat “disappears” and then reappears. Watch the
          the mandible. The coccygeal artery runs under the base   patient as it breaths in the heart beat can’t be heard and
          of the tail or you can try for the dorsal metatarsal artery   when it exhales it can! This is called sinus arrythmia and
          on the lateral aspect of the hind limb near the hock.  is perfectly normal.
            When the artery is found, move to using the stetho-  If you hear a whoosh or any sound other than a
          scope to auscultate the heart. Turn the stethoscope so   lub‐dub, alert the veterinarian as soon as possible.
          the ear tips are facing forward in your ear canals.   Heart murmurs and other sounds can indicate a
          Figure 10.5 indicates the parts of the stethoscope, note   change in the patient’s health. If the normal lub‐dub
          how the ear tips are facing backwards. You will want to   is heard, count the heart beats for 15 seconds and
          turn the scope around, so they are facing forward. Check   multiply by 4, each lub‐dub is one beat of the heart.
          that the large diaphragm is engaged by gently tapping   Sometimes you may have to modify the number of sec-
          on the diaphragm surface, you should hear a rather loud   onds you use to count the heart rate. Cats can reach
          tap! If not, the bell could be turned to the smaller   heart rates in the 200s making it very difficult to count.
          diaphragm which is used to listen to higher frequencies.   If you use 10 seconds and multiply by 6 or use 6 sec-
          Simply turn the entire bell around on the stem and tap   onds and multiply by 10 you will get similar results for
          again to check. Place the large diaphragm over the left   the BPM. Mark the patient’s file with the heart rate
          side of  the chest  just above the  sternum,  near the   and pulse characteristic, as ___ BPM.
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