Page 190 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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174    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          that can also be zoonotic. We have already talked about   (subjective information, objective of data, assessment, and
          how to check for ectoparasites and how to reduce fomi-  plans; see Chapter  3), the appropriate place for that
          tes in Chapter 4; we discuss endoparasites in Chapter 12.  information is in the Plans for daily observations or opin-
            All employees should be aware of the presence of   ions. If the clinic uses the chronologic format, the date,
          feral or other quarantined patients within the hospital.   time, and information is placed on the next available line.
          To protect employees and prevent accidental injury, ken-  Some clinics use the acronym DUDE normal, which stands
          nels and cages containing quarantined animals should   for normal  defecation,  urination,  drinking, and  eating.
          be prominently labeled. Handling is kept to a minimum   Otherwise, each is marked as good, fair, poor, or none.
          with these patients to avoid bites and scratches. Always   Demeanor and mentation is important to note
          be on guard against possible “fear biting” with feral ani-  because a depressed animal can become a sick animal.
          mals. Inadvertently backing them into a corner may   Interaction with each animal in the hospital should
          cause the fight in the flight or fight response.   include a note about how the animal is reacting to the
                                                             interaction. The following are some abbreviations that
                                                             may be used in the medical record to describe the ani-
            Reflection                                       mal’s mentation and demeanor:

            Do feral animals have the same “rights” as a pet?   Bright, Alert, and Responsive (BAR)
            If so, why? If not, why?                         Quiet, Alert, and Responsive (QAR)
                                                             Ain’t Doing Right (ADR) or Not Doing Right (NDR)
                                                             If the patient is not doing well or is unresponsive, the
          Pocket Pets and Birds                              veterinarian must be informed immediately.

          Typically, pocket pets are brought to the clinic in a small   Learning Exercise
          travel case which is not suitable housing if they need to be
          hospitalized. If possible, the cage they normally live in   Tigger is boarding at the clinic for a week. Usually
          should be provided by the owner. Because they are prey   he is waiting for you at the front of his kennel. He
          animals, being in a dog or cat room may make them very   usually rubs his body along the bars and purrs
          anxious or scared. Finding a quiet countertop or an empty   loudly, but this morning you noticed that he was
          ward is appropriate for these patients. Ask the owner to   sitting hunched in the back of the kennel and he
          provide the bedding substrate as some of these pets   hadn’t touched his evening meal. When you take
          require specialized bedding. Birds are also brought to the   the litter pan out to clean it you notice there are
          hospital in a travel case which is not suitable for long‐term   no wet areas or feces. What would be your next
          care. Large parrots can be housed in regular kennels with   course of action?
          perches provided. Care must be taken to provide a large
          enough cage to accommodate a long tail and wing span.
          Smaller birds should be housed in a bird cage.     Understanding the Disease Process
            Food from home and access to water is also very
          important for these patients. A sick bird or pocket pet   Introduction of infection in a patient is a complex cycle
          will often require warmth. Cover the cage with a towel or   of relationships between the infecting organism and the
          hang a towel over the door of the kennel. A heating pad   host. Infectious organisms or pathogens enter the body
          under the entire bird cage, half of the pocket pet cage,   through the skin, mucous membranes, transplacentally,
          or a heat lamp directed into the cage will help.   from vectors and fomites. Likewise, they exit the body
                                                             through discharges such as blood, vomit, feces, urine,
          Treatments and Procedures                          respiratory discharges, wounds, and milk. Transmission
                                                             is either direct as in animal‐to‐animal, or indirect as in
                                                             animal to vector (insects) to animal, or animal to fomite
          Medical Records                                    (bedding, dirt, water) to animal.
                                                               The first barrier to entry of pathogens are the skin,
          Regardless of the reason for an animal to be in the hospital,   hair, and secretions of the mucous membranes. The way
          careful records must be maintained concerning its food   in which a pathogen enters the patient varies, but once it
          and water intake, demeanor, mentation, and elimination.   has invaded the patient, a cascade of responses occurs to
          It is important to note this information as it can impact   try to kill the pathogen. The body’s immune defense
          decisions made by the veterinarian on the care the patient   system kicks in and tries to kill the pathogen. If it fails
          may need. These observations may be written in a specific   then the pathogen causes an illness or condition and the
          area of the record. If the clinic uses the SOAP format   patient will show signs of the disease. This is when help
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