Page 223 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 11  Clinical Techniques   207

                                                                FIGURE 11.37  IM injection.

             FIGURE 11.36  IV fluid bag marked appropriately. Adapted from   The sites for IM injections vary between species
             Wikimedia Commons.                                 (Figure  11.34). Small animal sites are the quadriceps
                                                                group of muscles, the epaxials, and on occasion the gas-
                                                                trocnemius. For livestock and horses use the neck mus-
             set is opened by moving the roller clamp down, you
             should see the fluids running steadily in the drip   cles and the quadriceps group of muscles if necessary.
             chamber. Hold the needle or catheter in place and watch   If you are restraining for the injection, small animals
             the fluid level in the bag, when you’ve reached the divi-  are either kept standing or put in lateral recumbency.
             sions you set up before starting, withdraw the needle after   Review Chapter 8 for both techniques. If you are giving
             you have either closed the roller clamp or bent the IV   the injection, double check that you have the right
             tubing to prevent the fluid from shooting out! Repeat   patient and the right medications. Have the restrainer
             until all the prescribed fluids are administered. If OK   place the patient parallel to your body. Use your non‐
             give the patient a treat and a cuddle. Record the number   dominate hand to steady the rear leg and hold the
             of locations and the amount that was delivered in each   filled syringe with your dominant hand (Figure 11.37).
             location, the name of the fluids given, the date, time,   Depending on  which way the dog  is facing, you will
             and your initials.                                 hold the leg right above the knee from the front of the
                                                                leg or the back of the leg. Give a gentle squeeze, quickly
                                                                insert the needle approximately half way between the
             Intramuscular Injections                           hip and knee running parallel but slightly lower than
                                                                the femur. Direct the needle toward the opposite hip at
             Intramuscular injections absorb slower than SQ and   a 30‐degree angle. This puts the needle deep enough
             cannot handle the volumes SQ can. A guideline for IM   into the muscle without hitting the femur or the sciatic
             injections is 1–2 mL for cats and small dogs, up to 5 mL   nerve which runs parallel and dorsal to the femur.
             for medium‐sized and large dogs. Cattle and horses can   Aspirate to check for blood and if none go ahead and
             handle 10 mL per injection site. If the medication to be   depress the plunger. If you get blood withdraw the
             given is more than these guidelines, split the dose into   needle, check with the veterinarian to see if you need to
             two syringes and give on either side of the patient.  get a new dose of medication, if not move to another
               Aseptically assemble the appropriate‐sized needle and   spot and try again.
             syringe. Check the patient record for the medications as   IM injections tend to hurt more because the medica-
             prescribed by the veterinarian and draw up the dose.   tion can sting and from the pressure of the volume. Be
             Wet a cotton ball with water or antiseptic.        ready for the patient to jump and if you are giving the
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