Page 229 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 229

Chapter 11  Clinical Techniques   213

             Once the bandage has been checked the tertiary layer is   2.  Apply the primary layer of non‐adhesive dressing
             then laid upon the skin and hair without tightness.   over the wound, then cover everything with cling
               The images in Figure 11.47 show the steps to applying   gauze or cast padding. Roll off the roll backwards to
             a simple paw bandage:                                 maintain control of tightness and length of material
                                                                   coming off the roll (Figure 11.47b).
             1.  Apply “stirrups” to either side of the leg. Place sticky   3.  Rip the stirrups in half‐length wise up to the toes.
                side down, well past the foot, putting the two pieces   Take one half of the stirrup and twist it so the sticky
                together once past the toes. One piece should be   side adheres to the fur or secondary layer. Repeat
                longer that the other, so a sticky end is available   for the other stirrup (Figure 11.47c).
                (Figure 11.47a).


              (b)                                              (c)

              (d)                                              (e)

             FIGURE 11.47  The steps involved in applying a simple paw bandage.
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