Page 266 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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250    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          recommendations  for at‐home care.  The reason  these   Classification of Medications
          misunderstanding happen are that the veterinarian used
          terminology with which the client is unfamiliar;  the   There are many types of medications found within the
          presence of the pet can distract the owner; the owner   veterinary practice. They all have specific uses, and some
          might be overwhelmed with information; or the procedure   have “off‐label” uses meaning it has been found that they
          can be unfamiliar to the client. Whatever the reason, the   may work for unspecified treatment of a condition or ill-
          result is delay or failure in patient recovery.    ness. It is really beyond the scope of this text and the
            If you are asked to explain a prescription to the owner
          it is done at the very end of the office visit, before the   training of an assistant to learn all of these drugs.
                                                             However, becoming familiar with the medications may
          client leaves the examination room with  the patient.   be of some help when starting to work in a facility.
          Have the patient’s record, medication, and written   Therefore, Table 13.1 provides categories of pharma-
          instruction form in hand. Greet the client and patient   ceuticals found in a veterinary practice with some
          with a smile as you enter the room. Face the owner and   examples.
          start relaying the information at a slow pace, speaking
          clearly and a bit loudly (especially for older clients).
          Remember to use layman’s terms, not veterinary termi-
          nology. Explain to the owner what the medication is and   Learning Exercise
          its purpose. Show the drug label and read the instruc-
          tions to them. Ask if they have any questions. Wait for a   Practice explaining a medication with a class-
          reply! Demonstrate how to open and close the container   mate. Ask for honest feedback and do the same
          and, if possible, demonstrate how to administer the med-  for her/him.
          ication to the patient, or go over how to give the medica-
          tion if it cannot be given at the appointment. Ask them if
          they have any questions! For more complicated proce-
          dures, you may ask the owner to repeat the procedure
          after you demonstrate it or explain it.              Chapter Reflection
            Review the instruction form with the client and point
          out the phone numbers to use if they have a question or   Now that you have learned a bit about
          concern. Ask the owner if there is anything else needed at   pharmacy skills, what are your takeaway points
          this time. If not, thank them for trusting their pet’s care to   from this chapter?
          the clinic and tell them you will meet them at the recep-
          tion desk with the prescription and information sheet.

                                                             Suggested Reading
            Learning Exercise
            Utilize the programs pharmacy and the list       Bill RL. 1997.  Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians, 2nd edn.
            provided in Table 13.1. Make a chart and fill in   Mosby.
            the drug name and what category of medicine it   Bill R. 2000. Medical Mathematics and Dosage Calculations for Veterinary
                                                               Professionals. Iowa Press.
            represents.                                      Sirois M. 2011. Principles and Practices of Veterinary Technology, 3rd edn.
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