Page 246 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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232 Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
Canine Brief Pain Inventory (CBPI) 119, 120, 191–2 musculoskeletal 107–8
Canine Orthopedic Index (COI) 120 amount of inflammation present 107
Canine OsteoArthritis Staging Tool (COAST) 119–20 chronicity of process 107
carpus 125 depth of condition 107
flexion/extension 203 sufficient 122–3
lateral/medial deviation 203–4 soft tissue 56
case studies area included in calculations 58, 60
musculoskeletal 131–53 chronicity of process 56
soft tissue 82–100 depth of condition 56
CBPI see Canine Brief Pain Inventory proportional to effect 58
CCLR see cranial cruciate ligament rupture dressings and bandages 64–6, 111
apoptosis 54 ear canal 72
cancer 161 ear disease
energy storage 52 aural hematomas 73
signaling/bystander effects 54 otitis 71–3
targets within 8–9 eicosanoids 16
central nervous system (CNS) 16, 35 elbow 125
charges see under laser therapy considerations flexion/extension 202
chiropractic 180 electromagnetic radiation 3–4
chronic conditions electromyography 120
musculoskeletal 110, 129 endocrine disorders 67
soft tissue 57 epilepsy 163
chronic joint disorders 211 eye exposure 159–61
clinical progression assessment 118–19
activity monitors 120 feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) 79
Canine Orthopedic Index (COI) 120 Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index (FMPI) 120, 195–9
electromyography 120 fistulas 73–5, 98–100
force plate stance 119 FLUTD see feline lower urinary tract disease
functional mobility 119 FMPI see Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index
gait analysis 119 forelimb
goniometry 119 anatomical considerations 124–6
morphological change 119 bony landmarks 200
pain scales 119 carpus 203–4
quality of life 120 elbow 202
stage and monitor osteoarthritis 119–20 radioulnar joints 202–3
CNS see central nervous system shoulder 200–2
COAST see Canine OsteoArthritis Staging Tool fracture 133
COI see Canine Orthopedic Index frequencies 101
compliance 164 ballpark values 105
continuous wave (CW) 57, 109 best guesses 103
contraindications see under laser therapy considerations continuous wave (CW) 57, 109
COX see cyclooxygenase evidence of tissue type 101–2
cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) 114 musculoskeletal conditions 109–10
cryotherapy 179–80 soft tissue conditions 57
CW see continuous wave summary 104
cyclooxygenase (COX) 16, 116 understanding the why 102
cytochrome c oxidase 6, 8–9
cytokines 16–18 gastrocnemius 150
anti-inflammatory 18 gingivitis 75–7
pro-inflammatory 17 Glasgow Composite Pain Scale 187
Glasgow Feline Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-
degenerative joint disease (DJD) 116–17, 157 Feline) 188–90
dermatitis gonads 164
acute and chronic 68–9 goniometry 119, 121–2, 200
pododermatitis 69–71 forelimb
radiation-induced dermatitis 162 bony landmarks 200–1
treatment parameters 209 carpus 203–4
dose elbow 202
interpreting in vitro/in vivo 48–9, 53–4 radioulnar joints 202–3
light transport 48 shoulder 201–2
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