Page 247 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 247
Index 233
hindlimb cytokines 16–18
bony landmarks 204–5 lipid 16
hip 205–6 molecules 18–19
stifle 207 vasoactive amines 15
tarsus 207 interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-IRA) 17–18
governing bodies 159 intervertebral disk disease (IVDD) 35, 127–9, 136–9
gracilis 144 recommended parameters 129
growing animals 111–12, 163 shaving or trimming to improve penetration 128
treatment parameters 211
HCPI see Helsinki Chronic Pain Index intestinal inflammation 78
heat 6–7, 10–11 IVDD see intervertebral disk disease
Helsinki Chronic Pain Index (HCPI) 120
hemoglobin 6, 12–13 laparotomy 79–80
hindlimb laser therapy considerations 157
anatomical considerations 124–6 basic facts 159
bony landmarks 204 charges 157–8, 165
hip 205–7 acute traumas 166
ischemia 181 chronic pain 166
stifle 127, 207 oral treatments 165
tarsus 207 orthopedic procedures 165
hip 126–7 postsurgical incisions 165
abduction/adduction 205 wounds 165
external/internal rotation 206 compliance and regulations 164–5
flexion/extension 205 don’t need/do need items 158
histamine 15 make educated choice 157–8
Hudson Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) 119, 120, 193–4 safety and contraindications 158–9
hygroma (false bursitis) 75 active bleeding 163
hyperthermia, clinical 53 epileptic patients 163
eye exposure 159–61
IL-IRA see interleukin 1 receptor antagonist gonads 164
immune disease 67 growing animals 163
in vitro 112 neoplastic growths 161–2
appropriate dose 58 photosensitizing medications 164
bone healing 34 pregnant uterus 162
clinical studies with cells 29 recent infiltration of joints with steroids/NSAIDS 162–
fibroblasts 32 3
interpreting dose 48–9, 53–4 reduced or absent sensitivity 164
mast cells 15 tattoos 164
microglia 19–20 thyroid 163
muscle healing 33 laser therapy implementation
potential antibacterial effects of red/infrared laser therapy early plans 167
37 inform people 168
pro-inflammatory cytokines 17–18 keep treatment records 169
stem cells 31, 181 prepare yourself 167
tendons and ligaments 33 pricing plan 167
treating contaminated/infected tissues 35, 36 safe environment 169
in vivo session should be enjoyable for all 168–9
bone healing 34 staff support 167
clinical studies with cells 29 visibility of laser 167
interpreting dose 48–9 integrating into current treatments 171
mast cells 15 acupuncture 172–9
muscle healing 33 chiropractic/manipulative techniques 180
potential antibacterial effects of red/infrared laser therapy cryotherapy 179–80
38 low-level electrical currents 180
pro-inflammatory cytokines 17–18 medications 171–2
treating contaminated/infected tissues 35, 36 pulsed magnetic field therapy (PMF) 180
infectious disease 67 stem cells/platelet-rich plasma 180–2
inflammation 14, 21 surgery 172
acute joint 117–18 strategies
inflammatory mediators 14–15 conditions with greatest clinical response 170
acute phase proteins/plasmatic proteases 15–16 everything that walks through door at low cost 170
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