Page 10 - Rapid Review of ECG Interpretation in Small Animal Practice, 2nd Edition
P. 10                         AUTHORS

          Mark  A. Oyama, DVM, MSCE,  DACVIM-            a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary
          Cardiology,  is  a  Professor  in  the  Department  of   Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine, Cardiology)
            Clinical Sciences & Advanced Medicine and Chief   and a Diplomate of the European College of
          of the Section of Cardiology at the University of   Veterinary Medicine (Companion  Animals). His
            Pennsylvania School of  Veterinary Medicine. He   clinical specialties are companion animal cardiology,
          is an Associate Scholar at the Center for Clinical   cardiac biomarkers in small and large animals, and
          Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Perelman School   heart failure management. Kraus’s research areas
          of Medicine. A Diplomate of the American College   include companion animal cardiology, cardiac
          of  Veterinary Internal Medicine, Specialty of   biomarkers, and antiarrhythmic therapies.
          Cardiology, Oyama’s clinical specialties involve
          clinical  examinations,  echocardiograms, ECG, and   Anna  R.  Gelzer,,  PhD,  DACVIM-
          noninvasive  surgeries. His research spans animal   Cardiology, ECVIM-Cardiology, is a Professor
          models of heart disease, myxomatous mitral     of Cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania
          valve  disease,  cardiac  biomarkers,  clinical  trials,   School of Veterinary Medicine. She is a Diplomate
          epidemiology, biostatistics, and diuretic resistance.  of the European College of  Veterinary Internal
                                                         Medicine—Companion Animals (Cardiology) and
          Marc S. Kraus, DVM, DACVIM-Cardiology/         of the  American College of  Veterinary Internal
          Internal Medicine, ECVIM-Cardiology, is a      Medicine (Cardiology). Gelzer’s clinical specialty
          Professor  of  Clinical  Cardiology  and  Outpatient   is companion animal cardiology, and her research
          Medical Director at Ryan Hospital, University of   areas include arrhythmias and electrophysiology.
          Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. He is

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