Page 18 - Horst Construction Overview_Corning
P. 18

West, Inc. - Jersey Shore

                                                                         Central Chiller Plant

           Project Narrative                                                           Project Information

          Horst Construction has been working with West, Inc. on a variety             •  2,463 sf - Addition
          of industrial and controlled environment design-build projects in            •  Chiller Suppy/Return piping to
          Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Florida over the last dozen plus               101,800 sf facility
          years. This ongoing partnership has provided Horst with a deep               •  Chillers, cooling towers, and
          knowledge of the company’s high quality standards and technical                  pumps operated with variable
          requirements. These factors were evident throughout the design and               frequency drives, controlled by
          construction of the central chiller project and allow for an expeditious         Siemens Energy Management
          and professional construction project. A collaborative approach                  System
          was used to design and build this multi-story facility - replacing four      •  Electrical service 2000 KVA
          separate chiller plants and providing 1,800 tons of cooling capacity. All        transformer, air switch, and
                                                                                           switchgear included in scope
          work was completed within a completely operational facility with no              of work
          loss of revenue to the owner.                                                •  Structural steel added to
                                                                                           support the supply and return
                                                                                           chilled water lines


                                                                                       ABC Keystone Excellence in
                                                                                       Construction, Award of Excellence

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