Page 15 - Horst Construction Overview
P. 15
Ephrata Community Church
Project Narrative Project Information
Ephrata Community Church selected Horst Construct as the Design Builder for • 81,300 sf - Addition
their 81,300 sf expansion and 15,400 sf renovation project in Ephrata, PA.
• Addition includes: 1,600-seat
auditorium, mezzanine seating,
The addition provides for a 1600-seat auditorium, lobby, classrooms, offices, lobby, 15 classrooms, 20 offices,
meeting rooms, a gathering space/cafe, welcome center, and indoor plan area. 2 large meeting rooms, gathering
The existing building had extensive renovations for new or expanded functions space and cafe, welcome center,
including the existing sanctuary being transformed into a gymnasium, a multi- and indoor play area.
purpose room, new kitchen, additional lobby and a game room. • 15,400 sf - Renovation
• Renovation includes: multi-
purpose room, new kitchen,
additional lobby, gathering/game
room, and cardio gym space.