Page 19 - Horst Construction Overview
P. 19


                                                                   United Methodist Church

          Project Narrative                                                            Project Information

          Nichols-Bethel UMC selected Horst to build a Welcome Center as an            •  8,900 sf - Addition
          addition to their existing church building, comprising one of a three phase   •  Multi-purpose space
          Master Plan. Phase one included a multi-purpose space, cafe, youth area,     •  Cafe
          classrooms and a bell tower. The design incorporated a cloud ceiling to      •  Youth Area
          maximize acoustics in the multi-purpose space. Horst Excavating became       •  Classrooms
          certified to complete the required Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance        •  Bell Tower
          System (Weir) for water inflow and infiltration management of the site.

                                                                                       ABC Keystone Excellence in
                                                                                       Construction, Merit Award

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