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Acknowledgements and Thanks

                    No Book, or E-book for that matter is created in a vacuum. Both Yvonne and I wish to thank our
                   Beta Readers and our friends in their unending help in crafting this story. Without them it
                   would’ve never happened.
                    I, as in Ross; wish to thank my beloved wife for all she had to put up with during the time it took
                   to finish this novel. It is quite the book to put together.

                    I wish to Thank God and Jesus for their support as well. We also think they watched and laughed
                   at us as we often times pulled our hair out over decisions about what to do with each of the
                   characters. God and His Son often know a good laugh when they see one. We know they enjoyed
                   watching us and helping along the way

                    As is our way, we wish to thank the men and women of the armed forces and those who support
                   them for ensuring our freedoms remain free.
                    We also want to thank all those who volunteer. We never knew how much volunteerism changes
                   the world until you witness it firsthand.
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