Page 4 - High Assurance Authentication that Empowers User Experiences
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Build a Comprehensive Security
Strategy for 2022
Every company needs to enable To give companies a comprehensive
secure access, whether that is to cloud approach to security, HID Global has
applications like Microsoft 365, legacy collaborated with Microsoft to enable
applications, encrypted emails, printers, certificate-based authentication (CBA)
physical offices, or others. Standards like in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
Fast Identity Online (FIDO), public key environments. This is achieved by
infrastructure (PKI), and the Initiative for integrating Azure AD CBA with Crescendo®
Open Authentication (OATH) are helping smart cards and security keys as well as
IT teams strengthen their approach to centralized credential management with
identity authentication. Yet adoption of these the cloud-based WorkforceID Digital
protocols is not easy and tends to happen Credential Manager. The combination
at different paces, with some subsuming of these HID® product lines with
others over time. Not every company hires Azure AD CBA supports multiple security
security experts proficient enough in standards and communication protocols to
systems architecture and security standards help IT admins take advantage of three key
to navigate those complexities. benefits that are crucial to striking the right
balance between exceptional employee
experiences and heightened protection.
Phishing-Resistant Authentication
Enable seamless, protected access to corporate resources.
Seamlessly Manage Your Hybrid Workforce
Drive remote productivity while managing credential lifecycles.
Secure Access to non-FIDO Enabled Resources
Enable stronger authentication for legacy applications.