Page 6 - High Assurance Authentication that Empowers User Experiences
P. 6
Seamlessly Manage Your
Hybrid Workforce
How do you ensure access to sensitive data and
corporate VPNs is not abused?
The next step in creating a more robust While Crescendo authenticators can be
security stance in a dynamic workplace deployed on their own, organizations
is embracing device and PKI-credential benefit more when they can manage
management as an added layer to your the entire credential lifecycle centrally
authentication process. In the context of to ensure access to sensitive data and
remote and hybrid workforces, it can be corporate networks is never abused or
difficult for companies to remotely issue compromised by anyone. This is where
and manage credentials. Enabling users to centralized credential management,
self-serve and enroll their own credentials whether from the cloud (WorkforceID
from anywhere reduces the burden Digital Credential Manager) or on-
and dependency on IT administrators. premises (ActivID® Credential
However, it takes centralized management Management System) comes in handy.
like WorkforceID Digital Credential Organizations can use this solution to
Manager to ensure an organization retains synchronize the issuance, replacement,
full visibility into every hardware- and and revocation of all their Azure AD user
software-based credential that has access identities as well as their associated PKI
to digital and physical resources. certificates and hardware devices — all
while remaining compliant with enterprise
security policies.