Page 10 - Haldor_eBook_052020
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Case Study

        Älvdalsskolan                                                            Solution

                                                                                 The school invested in equipping each student
                                                                                 with a tablet and implemented both Microsoft
        K-12 school in Sweden                                                    Teams for Education and Haldor’s solutions,

        transforms remote learning                                               which helped them execute better lesson plans

        with Planning by Haldor                                                  online and prepare students for a digital future.

                                                                                 “Haldor and Teams is everything a teacher
        Challenge                                                                                                                                                                                                                  [video here]

        Älvdalsskolan is a school in the cozy village                            needs,” says Carla Bach, an educator at

        of Älvdalen, Sweden. Five years ago, they had 13                         Älvdalsskolan.
        laptops and 150 students. This was not enough

        to support student learning, especially when                             Planning by Haldor also makes it easy to find

        students or teachers needed to work remotely.                            assignments, eliminating the need for students
                                                                                 and teachers to switch between different

        Results                                                                  applications. Every lesson plan is located in a

        “The winners of this journey are everyone,”                              single tab within Microsoft Teams, providing

        says teacher Annika Nyberg. Now with Haldor’s                            teachers, administrators, and students the

        solutions, the number of students passing all                            information they need to support academic
        subjects in Älvdalsskolan has increased by 22%                           progress anytime, anywhere, whether that’s on

        in just one year.                                                        the school campus or at home.
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