Page 6 - Haldor_eBook_052020
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Benefit 2
Accurately measure and monitor student performance
Teachers around the globe are unable to teach to share guidance and performance reviews
their students in a physical classroom. Many are from the same place they are uploading lessons.
looking for ways to gain control over educational This creates a more dynamic virtual classroom
progress while they transition to online learning where communication and collaboration are
from home. The teachers who are most effective essential to shaping student behavior. By setting
at driving academic achievement remotely are up clear expectations and rewarding students for
the ones who are using tools to constantly track achieving goals, teachers can influence student
and assess student performance. motivation and course correct as needed.
Educators who provide student assessments,
continuous feedback on assignments, and
other ongoing measures of individual student
performance know how to improve lesson
plans and offer support. And these kinds of
quantifiable observations are helpful when
planning new subjects for future development.
With Planning by Haldor, teachers gain visibility
into student progress and have the opportunity