Page 3 - Haldor_eBook_052020
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                    scared, or angry—a wheel of emotions that                                Research has historically indicated strong

                    schools must sensitively address as they look                            correlations between student engagement
 The shift to online learning   to structure new curriculums.                                (defined as sustained focus, active participation

 disrupts classroom progress   Needless to say, transitioning to distance                    in learning, and time spent on tasks) and

                    learning at scale is challenging, especially                             student achievement. Students who are

 Schools have closed in 130 countries, disrupting   for educators. Teachers face a unique set of   inattentive, withdrawn, and disengaged have

 the educations of more than 1.2 billion children   hurdles. They need to:                   poorer academic performance when compared

 and youth. And in the US alone, at least 54.8   •  Adapt quickly to new learning environ-   to highly engaged learners. Consequently, as

 million students have been affected by school   ments so that they can in turn support      students are forced to navigate this “new normal”

 closures. (Forbes)      their learners.                                                     of self-driven, online learning, engaging syllabi
                                                                                             and assignments are critical to their success.
                       •  Help their students develop the necessary

 Many districts with internet access are shifting   digital skills so they can use technology
 to online learning due to the global pandemic.   effectively in support of their learning.   To avoid permanent setbacks in education,

 However, many education systems are    •  Create curriculum that can be easily shared       successful educators are looking for tools that

 ill-equipped to quickly make this transition   online and has clear instructions that make   fulfill three essential needs to improve the
                         sense to all recipients.
 for all students at scale. Technology and                                                   online learning experience:

 infrastructure are essential to sustain school   •  Enable frequent collaboration and
                         communication to make sure no student                                1.  Personalized learning paths
 programs at a safe distance, but they’re often
                         feels alone and helpless.
 expensive and require a steep learning curve.                                                2.  Accurate assessments of student performance

 Even more importantly, widespread quarantine   Finally, the last (and arguably most important)   3.  Self-driven, empowered students

 enforcement is also disrupting routines for   obstacle that teachers face during the global
 students. Many kids feel confused, sad, worried,   health crisis is declining student engagement.
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