Page 10 - PeakUp_eBook_060120_Neat
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Add a custom intranet inside

                                                                                                                                                                                   Microsoft Teams without IT
        INCREASE THE VALUE OF YOUR INTRANET WITHOUT IT INVOLVEMENT                                                                                                                 support or overhead costs.

        Legacy intranet sites or portals can             However, these types of projects often            accommodating mass communication

        no longer satisfy current internal               require project-based development                 needs by adding Velocity to their

        communication needs. According to                efforts to build or renew old systems.            Microsoft Teams app. Within a few

        a social intranet report, only 13% of            During a time of high security risk               clicks, teams are able to access all

        employees use their intranet daily               in light of the ongoing health crisis,            internal communications from within

        while 31% never do. (Prescient Digital           the majority of IT teams are unable               one tab. And HR staff never needs

        Media) With the recent COVID-19                  to expend their budget and time on                to engage IT when they can add

        forecast that predicts a permanent               revamping legacy applications.                    and manage any editorial widget

        increase in remote work, this is a                                                                 to the Velocity platform, updating

        disconcerting statistic that makes                                                                 employees on changing procedures,
                                                         Add a custom intranet inside
        it difficult to establish consistent                                                               safety information, or even employee
                                                         Microsoft Teams without IT
        internal communications.                                                                           anniversary celebrations.
                                                         support or overhead costs

        One potential solution to the rising             Instead, PEAKUP’s widget-based

        communication challenges faced by                product, Velocity, is offering an

        these organizations is to revamp their           alternative cost-effective solution

        current intranet. Perhaps it’s simply            that doesn’t require IT support.

        not optimized for user adoption.                 Organizations of all sizes are quickly
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