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        HR produces a large amount of                    Increase the digital impact                       HR professionals are working

        editorial content that they need to              of HR communications                              tirelessly to support employees

        share regularly alongside critical                                                                 who are geographically distributed,
                                                         Microsoft Teams, which has 44 million
        employee updates and company                                                                       working from the safety of their own
                                                         active users, is the primary place
        agendas. The nature of their work can                                                              homes. The last thing they want is
                                                         where team members collaborate and
        be easily uprooted when employees                                                                  to request IT support for general
                                                         socialize with colleagues on a daily
        are out of their physical reach,                                                                   intranet usage and customization
                                                         basis. That’s why PEAKUP’s integrated
        working from home. It’s frustrating                                                                needs in order to improve internal
                                                         product, Velocity, has made it easy for
        when staff miss information they                                                                   communications. With Velocity, HR
                                                         HR professionals to add interactive
        would otherwise receive from an                                                                    teams are benefiting from a flexible,
                                                         widgets inside the platform. It allows
        all-hands meeting at the office. And                                                               self-service intranet that can be
                                                         users to view daily announcements,
        it’s worrisome when employees do                                                                   customized without IT knowledge
                                                         practical work-related information,
        not regularly open HR memos sent                                                                   inside Microsoft Teams. This lets
                                                         company newsfeeds, and any other
        over email or log in to their corporate                                                            them efficiently consolidate every HR
                                                         content-based widget you can
        communications portal. The bottom                                                                  activity and communication in one
                                                         imagine that centralizes all your
        line is HR professionals need a                                                                    place as a virtual townhall.
                                                         internal communications.
        louder voice that can penetrate every

        employee’s at-home workspace.
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