Page 7 - Reduce security blind spots and paralyze ransomware
P. 7

Attack Surface Manager

 Reduce your attack surface and block malicious

 lateral movement of human-operated ransomware

 by removing extraneous credentials, connections,

 and high-risk pathways with perpetual discovery and

 selective automation from Illusive Attack Surface

 Manager (ASM) and Azure AD.

 Ransomware’s focus has shifted from   It’s key to note how human-operated

 being aimed at consumers to highly   ransomware takes advantage of
 targeted attacks on enterprises,   privileged identities to achieve

 leveraging tactics and techniques taken   its objectives. After successfully

 from the Advanced Persistent Threat   luring an employee with a phishing
 (APT) playbook. These sophisticated   email containing malware, a human

 threats combine a traditional   attacker landing on that endpoint

 ransomware attack with a data breach,   will immediately look for privileged

 moving toward high-value assets once   credentials available for exploitation,

 inside a network. Rather than take over   to raise access levels, and then move   Illusive’s integration with Azure Active   eliminate attacker pathways toward
 a single endpoint for quick financial   laterally toward high-value assets.   Directory gives organizations the   critical systems. This is accomplished

 gain, the new game focuses on a low   Reducing the number of privileged   tools they need to detect and disarm   through a continuous process of

 and slow lateral movement approach   identities accessible on endpoints is   ransomware attackers before they   identifying and removing extraneous
 to reach critical data with the aim of   critical to slowing down or stopping that   can execute their payloads. With ASM,   credentials, connections, and pathways

 wholesale lockdown of entire systems ―   human attacker from achieving success.  you gain visibility into Azure AD policy   that human-operated ransomware

 a catastrophic business outcome if not   violations that the targeted ransomware   attacks use to move within a network.

 discovered and stopped in time.  could potentially leverage, and then
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