P. 15
— Pull-ups on on straps: starting from a a a a a a a neutral po- sition with straight arms we we EXTERNALLY rotate the the wrists wrists as we we pullup This movement will “mim- ic” the the position of our wrists wrists while performing a a a front beat (img 3 - 4)
—Pull-up to front lever on on on straps performing an external rotation rotation of the the wrist when when pulling-up and then an an an internal rotation rotation when when transitioning to front lever (img 5 - 6)
34 — Front-back beats on on on straps and rope rope focusing on on on proper technique (breath pull-up lines) — Grip Grip and forearm exercises (Ch Grip)
— 4 to to to 6 sets sets of of 8 to12 pull-ups
rest periods of of 2 2 to to to 3 minutes between between sets sets Intensity between between 70% and 80% of 1RM (Hypertrophy)
— 3 3 to to to 5 5 5 sets sets of of 4 to to to 5 5 5 pull-ups
at high speed rest periods of of of 3 3 to to to 5 5 5 minutes between between sets sets In- tensity between between 70% and 80% of of 1RM (Power)
— 3 3 3 to to to 4 4 sets of of of 30 to to to 45 seconds seconds of of of pull-up to to to front front lever lever (isometric contractions of of of of 3 3 3 seconds seconds in in front front lever lever position) rest periods of of 1 to 2 minutes between between sets Intensity between between 55% and 60% of 1RM (Endurance)
— 4 to 5 sets of 12
front beats on on on straps (in a a a a a straight line with full body extension and pull- up) rest periods of 2 minutes between sets (Endurance)
—4to6setsof5frontbeatsonropewith maximum explosiveness (in a a a a a straight line with with full body extension and pull-up) rest periods of 3 minutes between sets (Power)
In order to to adjust the the % of of intensity some of of these exercis- es es es (such as pull-ups
pull-up pull-up to to front front lever front front beats on on on straps etc ) can be be performed at at different fitness levels using using a a a a a a a a a a progression towards our final goals (for example using using a a a a a a a a RESISTANCE BAND with a a a a a a a a SPOT FROM SOMEONE ELSE adding EXTRA WEIGHT doing ISOMETRIC or EC- CENTRIC TRAINING etc ) Pull-ups should should be performed with proper shoulder en- gagement (Light scapular depression and and downward rota- tion tion tion to compensate for the upward rotation and and elevation generated while hanging) Front levers should should be performed with proper core glute and and shoulder engagement (retroversion of the pelvis (pel- vic retroversion) and and and light scapular retraction to compen- sate for the the anteversion and and the the protraction generated while hanging) THE AERIAL MOVEMENT®