Page 10 - T.A.M. GRIP E-BOOK ML1 ENGLISH (PDF ©2020) 5.pdf
P. 10
2 → ROPE
—One Hand:
In order to improve the the pressure applied while gripping the the the rope rope during one-arm one-arm suspensions or one-arm one-arm movements the the the the rope rope should be be held between the the the the the the palm and the the the the the the first row of of phalanges (right at the the the the the junction of of the the the the the metacarpals with the the the the the proximal phalanges) Biomechanically for this this type of grip this this is is is where greater pressure will be applied when closing the the the hand (we can test this by squeezing the the the index finger of the the the opposite hand) Grip strength can vary depending on the the the the type and and and thickness of of of the the the the rope and and and the the the the size of of of the the the the hand but as a a a a a a a a a general rule using this type of of of grip while adding a a a a a a a a twisting choke to to the rope may improve grip strength by 23% to to to 28% (according to the tests carried out) Twisting choke technique:
If we we want to to to hang using our right right arm we we need to to to twist the the the the rope towards the the the the right right right with the the the the left hand hand hand (clockwise) Then we place the the the the the the the right right right hand hand hand on on on the the the the the the rope (on top of of the the the the the the left hand) right right at the the the the the the junction of of the the the the the the metacarpals with with the the the the the the proximal phalanges and with with the the the palm facing us As we close the the the the the right right hand hand while twisting the the the the the rope rope towards towards the the the the the the right right the the the the the the left left hand hand will twist twist the the the the the the rope rope towards towards the the the the left left (counterclockwise) as if we wanted to to wring out a a a a cleaning cloth Lastly we will place the the the thumb on top of the the the in- dex or middle finger to to prevent the the the hand from opening CH 8 GRIP