Page 9 - T.A.M. GRIP E-BOOK ML1 ENGLISH (PDF ©2020) 5.pdf
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As for any other movement the the importance of focusing on a a a a a a a specific goal will be crucial when planing our our our our training training to improve our our our our grip grip strength strength Depending on on our our our our objective we can focus our our our our grip grip training training on on maximum strength strength strength explosive strength endurance etc In the the the the the the specific case of of of grip both the the the the the the muscles muscles of of of the the the the the the hand
the the the the the the muscles muscles of of of the the the the the the forearm (among others) will work at different different different intensities different different different joint angles different different different stand positions etc depending on on on the the the type of grip required for for the the the movement desired Specific one-armed or two-armed movements on on rope will require a a a a a a specific training approach Because it is is not the same performing a a a a a a a a a a a a a twist/pirouette as a a a a a a a a a a a a a slow motion frontal back flag/side planche or or or or or a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Tic-Tac or or or or or doing a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a one-armed suspension com- pared pared to to a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a onearmed jump on on on on on the rope or or or or performing a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a slow motion routine routine compared to to a a a a a a a a a a dynamic routine routine each movement will require specific grip train- ing with different repetitions sets and
rest periods Therefore the the the the the intensity the the the the the type type type of of of contraction the the the the the type type type of of of training or or or or the the the the the type type type of of of grip (among many other factors) will change according to to our objectives Likewise flexibility is is of of vital importance to us us us us us as athletes since it it it helps us us us us us bal- ance
different muscular groups that are constantly being overused because of of our physical activities Flexibility of the fingers hands
forearm stretching (flexors extensors bra- chioradialis flexor flexor carpi ulnaris muscle palmaris longus etc etc ) will be crucial to to improve our our physical potential potential our our grip strength but also to to avoid potential potential injury THE AERIAL MOVEMENT® 65