Page 14 - T.A.M. GRIP E-BOOK ML1 ENGLISH (PDF ©2020) 5.pdf
P. 14
Ulnar and and radial deviation (wrist adduction/ downward and and wrist wrist abduction/upward) TRAINING EXAMPLES (ENDURANCE)
— 3 to 4 sets of ulnar and radial deviation performing isometric contractions lasting be- tween 3 3 and 5 seconds (only in in in in downward po- sition) repetitions without rest from 2 to to 3 3 min- utes utes Low to to to medium intensity Rest periods of 2 to to 4 minutes between sets — 3 3 to to to 4 sets of ulnar and radial deviation per- forming isotonic contractions from 30 to to to 50 repetitions of both positions (ulnar and radial deviation) alternating these Low to to medium intensity Rest periods of 2 to to 3 minutes be- tween sets 12
Forearm muscles involved:
extensors flexors brachioradialis palmaris longus pronator teres etc DO NOT perform this exercise at maximum strength (90% - 100% of of of 1RM 1 1 1 to to 3 repetitions) because of of of an increased risk of of of injury to to the wrist ligaments These exercises are focused on on on on muscular endurance and anaerobic lactic resistance training (with isotonic or isometric contractions) 1 Forearm curls with pronation (extensors) flexion and extension Forearm muscles involved:
brachioradialis extensor extensor extensor extensor carpi carpi radialis radialis (lungus and brevis) extensor extensor extensor extensor digitorum extensor extensor extensor extensor carpi carpi ulnaris extensor extensor extensor extensor digiti minimi extensor pollici (lungus and brevis) etc CH 8 GRIP