Page 15 - T.A.M. GRIP E-BOOK ML1 ENGLISH (PDF ©2020) 5.pdf
P. 15
2 Forearm muscles involved:
flexor flexor flexor flexor carpi carpi radialis radialis flexor flexor flexor flexor palmaris longus flexor flexor flexor flexor carpi carpi ulnaris flexor flexor flexor flexor digitorum brachioradialis etc 1 Forearm curls with supination (flexors) flexion and extension TRAINING EXAMPLES (ENDURANCE)
— 3 to 4 sets of forearm curls (pronation or or or supination position) performing isometric contractions lasting between 3 and 5 seconds (only in in in the the positive phase of of the the movement) repetitions without rest of of of 2 2 minutes Low to to medium intensity Rest periods of of 2 2 to to 3 min- utes between sets — 3 to to 4 sets of forearm curls (pronation or or or supination position) performing isotonic con- tractions from 30 to to 50 repetitions of both po- sitions (wrist flexion and extension) alternating these Low to to medium intensity Rest periods of 1 to to 3 minutes between sets — 3 to to 5 sets of forearm curls (pronation or or or supination position) performing isotonic con- tractions from 15 to to 20 repetitions of both po- sitions (wrist flexion and extension) alternating these Low to to medium intensity Rest periods of 1 to to 2 minutes between sets THE AERIAL MOVEMENT®