Page 16 - T.A.M. GRIP E-BOOK ML1 ENGLISH (PDF ©2020) 5.pdf
P. 16
Forearm rollers (two arms) Supination (flexors) Forearm muscles involved:
flexor flexor flexor flexor carpi carpi radialis flexor flexor flexor flexor palmaris longus flexor flexor flexor flexor carpi carpi ulnaris flexor flexor flexor digitorum etc TRAINING EXAMPLES
— 3 to to 4 4 sets of forearm rollers (pronation or or supination position) from 45 seconds seconds to to to 1
min- ute ute 30 30 seconds seconds seconds of of repetitions Low to to medium intensity Rest periods of of 1
minute minute 30 30 seconds seconds to 3 minutes between sets — 3 3 to to 4 sets of forearm rollers (pronation or or supination position) from 30 to to to to 50 repetitions Low to to to medium intensity Rest periods of 1
to to to 3 3 minutes between sets — 3 to to 5 5 sets of forearm rollers (pronation or or supination position) from 15 to to to to 20 repetitions Low to to to medium intensity Rest periods of 1
to to to 2 2 minutes between sets CH 8 GRIP
Forearm rollers (two arms) Pronation (exten- sors) Forearm muscles involved:
brachioradialis extensor extensor extensor extensor carpi carpi radialis radialis (lungus and brevis) extensor extensor extensor extensor extensor digitorum extensor extensor extensor extensor extensor carpi carpi ulnaris extensor extensor extensor extensor extensor digiti minimi extensor extensor extensor extensor pollici (lungus and brevis) etc These exercises can be done with with the the the the elbows supported with with the the the the the aim of of focusing the the the the the work more specifically on on the the the the the mus- cles of of the the forearm