P. 21

—Complementary Training Examples
(agonist synergist and/or antagonist muscles):
• Forearm dumbbell training • Hand grippers • Powerball exercises • Climbing/Bouldering • Finger elastic bands 123 THE AERIAL MOVEMENT®
“General complementary training sessions (such as the ones we perform with dumbbells resistance bands etc ) of of agonist agonist synergist and/or antagonist mus- cles allow an an an an an integrated development of of the the muscular bundle involved in in in the the action A key element to keep in in in in in in mind and and and that can be be worked from the the the the very beginning is is the the the the the reinforcement and and and strengthening of the the the the the synergetic and and and antagonistic mus- culature that works simultaneously with the the the the the the main muscles involved in in in in in in in generating the the the the strength strength needed to hold yourself on on the the the the rope (common finger flexors: super- ficial and and deep) This will strengthen and and stabilize our our grip respectively For this type of grip the the the flexor flexor flexor carpi ulnaris lumbricals (metacarpophalangeal flexors) thumb adductors and and flexors flexors flexors together with the the the the deep common finger flexors flexors flexors and and specially the the the the the superficial ones should be taken as as agonist agonist muscles That is is is is why it it it is is is is vital to to to train the the the the effectors of the the the the opposite actions as as antagonists to balance the set A strong grip is the first link to perform any acrobatics on on rope” (Pedro Bergua 2019)

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