P. 31

From nutcracker to 1/2 back flag/side planche —
From 1/2 back back flag/side planche planche to back back flag/ flag/ side planche —
Isometric back flag/side planche position —
From meathook to back flag/side planche —
From back flag/side planche to meathook —
From back flag/side planche to vertical posi- tion —
From one-armed one-armed back back flag/side planche to one-armed one-armed back back lever —
Inverted anatomical exercises —
Meathook exercises —
Front lever progression exercises —
Back lever progression exercises TRAINING EXAMPLES
From standing on on the floor to to to Nutcracker (each arm): 2 2 to to to to 3 3 sets sets of of 3 3 to to to to 5 5 repetitions rest periods of of of 2 2 to to to 5 5 5 minutes between between sets sets Inten- sity between between 85% and 90% of of 1RM (Submax- imal strength)
From meathook to to to nutcracker (each arm): 3 to to to to 4 sets of of 6 to to to to 8 repetitions (1 repetition repetition = 1 1 1 meathook + 1 1 1 nutcracker) rest periods of of of 2 to to to 3 minutes between sets Intensity of of of about 60% of 1RM (Endurance)
From nutcracker to to 1/2 back flag/side planche (each arm): 3 3 sets of 2 2 to to 3 3 repetitions performing isometric contractions lasting be- tween 3 3 and 5 5 seconds (in 1/2 back flag/side planche position) Rest periods of 3 3 to 5 5 5 minutes between between sets Intensity between between 90% and 95% of 1RM/MIF (Maximal/submaximal strength)
From back flag/side planche to to to meathook (each arm): 3 3 3 to to to to 5 5 sets sets of of 2 to to to to 3 3 3 repetitions rest periods of of of 3 3 3 to to to 5 5 5 minutes between between sets sets Inten- sity between between 95% and 100% of of 1RM (Maximal strength)
Isometric back flag/side planche suspension (each arm): 6 to to to 8 sets of of of one-armed suspen- sion of of of 10 to to to 12 seconds rest periods of of of 2 2 to to to 3 minutes between between sets Intensity between between 85% and 90% of our MIF (Submaximal strength)
In order to adjust the the % of of intensity some of of these exercis- es es es es can be performed at different fitness levels using a a a a a a a a pro- gression towards our final goals (for example TWO-ARMED ONE-ARMED STRADDLING OR BENDING THE LEGS using a a a RESISTANCE BAND with a a a SPOT FROM SOMEONE ELSE doing ISOMETRIC or ECCENTRIC TRAINING adding EXTRA WEIGHT etc ) Basic and skill specific exercises should should be performed with proper shoulder engagement Preparatory drills #4 #5 and and #6 can be performed as con- ditioning depending on on on the level level of intensity and and individual fitness level Recovery should last between 24 and 72 hours depending on the exercise type of of training or its level of of intensity THE AERIAL MOVEMENT®

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