P. 13
— One-armed:
• From a a a a a a a straight and light diagonal position touching the the the the straps with the the the the opposite foot foot of our hanging hanging arm slide the the the the the foot foot foot along the the the the the strap strap to reach the the the the the hand we are hanging hanging with with The foot foot should be flexed with with the the the the outside resting on the the the the outer edge of of the the the the strap Perform an internal rota- tion tion of of the the the wrist-elbow-shoulder as we we lift up (until we we we we reach the the starting position) and an an external rotation when we we we lower down (Legs separate) (img 1-2)
• Without touching the the the straps with with the the the foot (keep- ing ing ing a a a a a a a a a a light diagonal with with our legs) slide the the the the knee along the the the the strap and hanging arm until we reach the the the elbow elbow Perform an an an an an internal rotation of the the the wrist-elbow-shoulder as we we we lift up and an an an exter- nal rotation when we we we lower down (Legs together or or legs separate) (This exercise will have a a a a a a a key role when performing skills such as the 360o Tic- Tac etc ) TRAINING EXAMPLES
— Without touching the the straps with the the foot: 4 to to to 5 5 sets of of 3 to to to 5 5 repetitions (each arm) at max- imum speed when we we lift up rest periods of of of 2 to 4 minutes between sets Intensity of of of about 60% of 1RM (Power)
— Without touching the the straps with the the foot: 4 to to to 8 sets of 20 to to to 30 seconds (each arm) at maximum speed when we we lift up rest periods of of 3 to 5 minutes between sets Intensity be- tween tween 80% and 90% of of 1RM (Anaerobic lactic endurance)
In order to adjust the the % of of intensity some of of these exercises can be performed at different fitness levels using using a a a a a a a a a progres- sion towards our final goals (for example using using a a a a a a a a a a RESIS- TANCE BAND with a a a a a a a SPOT FROM SOMEONE ELSE adding EXTRA WEIGHT doing ISOMETRIC or ECCENTRIC TRAIN- ING etc ) 1 2 THE AERIAL MOVEMENT®