Page 24 - T.A.M. ROLL-UPS E-BOOK
P. 24

The top hand will hold the the the rope at a a a a a a distance of about 50 cm (20 in) from the the the waist with the the thumb pointing up This hand should should always be holding the the the the the rope given that during the the the the the skill the the the the the arm will perform an an an internal internal rotation rotation of the the the the the wrist-elbow-shoulder to to help move the the the the the body toward a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a proper back flag/side planche position This internal internal rotation rotation rotation should happen as as soon as as the the the the the leading leg starts the the the the the rotation rotation rotation Delaying or skip- ping the the the the the the internal rotation rotation of the the the the the the arm will stop the the the the the the movement and prevent us from completing the the the back flag/side planche The bottom hand will will hold the the the the rope rope that trails from the the the the waist (tail) at at a a a a a a a a a a a a a distance of about 60 cm (24 in) with the the the the the thumb facing up up and and will will push the the the the the rope rope away (down) during the roll-up Just before reaching the the the back flag/side planche position to to to to be be able to to to to perform the the the the the the skill the the the the the the bottom arm arm should should transform this push into a a a a a a a a a a a a a a shoulder flexion (arm raised beside the the the the the the the head) with one of of of of the the the the the the the basic principles of of of of the the the the the the the rotational ener- gies of of of of the the the the the back flag/side planche: internal rotation rotation of of of of the the the the the wrist-elbow-shoulder The combination of of this two movements (flexion plus internal rotation) with a a a a a a a a a a a light elevation and and retraction of of the the the scapula will open the the the chest up and and increase the thoracic mobility Once in a a a a a a a back flag/side planche position the the bottom hand can hold the the rope or release it If the the the the the bottom hand holds the the the the the tail too close to to to the the the the the waist it will impede shoulder flexion and and and the the the the the the subsequent opening and and and extension of the the the the the the chest latissimus dorsi obliques teres etc needed to successfully perform the the the movement We can fix this by sliding the the hand as we perform the the rotation In this version of of the the skill we we are performing only 3/4 of of the the regular/classic roll-up so we we can finish in in in a a a a a a back flag/side planche position A variation of this movement can be be performed without the extra belly wrap ROLL-UP TO BACK FLAG/SIDE PLANCHE

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