P. 11

As soon as the the the the hip reaches the the the the elbow both legs (separate) will will initiate the the the the movement toward the the the the vertical however we we will will aim for an upward diag- onal line reaching the the the rope with the the the leg leg opposite to the the holding arm (outside leg) We should should maintain shoulder engagement scap- ular elevation (to compensate for the the depression generated while hanging from the the arm) to to keep our hips up and and retain proper alignment and and a a a a a a a a a a a a a light retraction or protraction to maintain bal- ance through the body and a a a a a a a a a a a a a neutral shoulder blade avoiding front or or back drop (Retraction to compensate for the the protraction generated while hanging from the the the arm and and to to avoid front drop and and and protraction to to to compensate for the the the retraction generated while hanging from the the arm and and to to avoid back drop) Our body will be held in in in in a a a a a a a light diagonal line to maintain the balance We could perform this this movement movement with legs together (Russian technique) In this this case the the the movement movement will will require a a a a a greater strength and control of our body when legs will will perform the the the upward movement toward the vertical — VARIATIONS:
A variation of the the vertical/elephant lift would be to to reach a a a a a a a a a a a a a back flag/side planche position position keeping the the the the the same same initial trajectory In this case we will will contin- ue ue using the the the the the the same same technique but will will modify the the the the the the final position position so once the the the the the the hip reaches the the the the the the elbow we should externally rotate and and open open the the the the the the outside leg leg (oppo- site leg leg of holding arm) opening the the the the hip and and looking for an an an an horizontal or or or light diagonal line reaching the the back flag/side planche desired Variation such as as the the the Scorpion could be considered as as an an an ending pose given that to perform these skill we can follow the the the same path than a a a a a a a a a a a a a a regular vertical/ elephant lift THE AERIAL MOVEMENT®

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