Page 15 - Let's talk! A Flipbook for English Speaking
P. 15

Material 2.1


          Preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to words
          within a sentence. Some examples of prepositions are: at, in, on, above,
          for, with, etc.
          Let’s see the use of prepositions examples
              I love to read in the library
              I go to the beach with my family
              I was born on 20th June, 2003
              I have my breakfast before going to school

         Types of Prepositions

         Preposition are divided into three groups,
         they  are:  Preposition  of  place,  time,  and
         direction or movement
                                                              Preposition of Time

                                                         Examples: at, in, on, before and after. Used to
                                                         help indicate when something happened,
                                                         happens or will happen.
                                                         For example:
                                                             I was born on 20th June, 2000
                                                             I was born in 2000
                                                             My twin brother was born before me.

                                                         For years, month, seasons, centuries and
                                                         times of day, use preposition in:
                                                             My sister was born in 2005
                                                             We eat breakfast in the morning

                                                         For days, dates, and specific holidays, use
                                                         preposition on:
                                                             We go to the beach on Saturday
                                                             New year is on 1st January
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