Page 16 - Let's talk! A Flipbook for English Speaking
P. 16

Preposition of Places
        Examples: on, at, in. Used to indicate position

        For example:
            The book is on the table
            The car is in the garage                                       Lot's of other prepositions of place such
            Adam is at the café now                                        as under, below, inside, above, outside.
                                                                           For example:

        If to refer something with a surface, or something above
        other thing, use preposition on:
                                                                                 The glass is under the table
            The cat is on the table
                                                                                 The books is below the desk
            The coffee in on the desk
                                                                                 Senior is ranked above junior

                                                                                 The key is inside the bag
        If  to  refer  something  that  is  inside  or  within  confined
                                                                                 They play outside the house
        boundaries, use preposition in:
            The apple juice is in the fridge
            The fridge is in the kitchen

        If to refer something at a specific spot, use preposition
            We wait the bus at the bus stop
            Jim and Carrey will meet at the airport

                                                                                     Preposition of


                                                                  Prepositions  of  movement  used  to  describe
                                                                  how something or someone moves from one
                                                                  place to another.
                                                                  for example:
                                                                      I am going to the library
                                                                      He went to the hospital yesterday
        There are other more specific prepositions of                 I will go to the zoo on Sunday
        movement: across, through
        Across  refers  to  moving  from  one  side  to

            Judy  travelled  across  Asia  with  her
            David  and  his  friend  are  swimming
            across the river.
        Through  refers  to  move  directly  inside
        something and out the other end:
            The train passes through the tunnel
            The water flow through the pipe
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