Page 10 - Insutech
P. 10

Insulin Pen Broken?                                                                          Control Target

                                                           Try these steps below

                           Method 1: Change New Insulin Needle
                                                                                                                   Type of Insulin

                        Check if the needle is broken             Store the insulin needle                         Insulin Technique
                           or bent. Change to a new                 with the outer (clear)
                                 insulin needle.                     insulin needle cap.


                            Discard the small                    The needle should not be left in
                            insulin needle cap                   the  pen  after  use  to  prevent  air
                                                                 or  foreign  matter  from  entering
                                                                 the  cartridge  or  leakage  in  the             Carbohydrate  Exchange
                                                                 cartridge which could affect the
                                                                 accuracy of subsequent doses
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