Page 14 - Insutech
P. 14

Carbohydrate Exchange
                                                                                                                   Control Target

                                     1 carbohydrate exchange =

                                      15 grams of carbohydrate
                                                                                                                   Type of Insulin

                                                                                                                   Insulin Technique
                                                                                Kuey Teow /Mee Hoon/
                    Rice (1/2 bowl)                 Porridge (1 bowl)             Spaghetti/ Macaroni
                                                                                         (1/2 cup)


                     Roti canai/                      White bread               No sugar biscuits
                Chapati (1/3 slice)                       (1 slice)                     (3 slice)

                  No sugar biscuits                        Potato                  Full cream milk                Carbohydrate  Exchange
                          (3 slice)                       (Medium)                   /low fat milk
                                                                                          (1 cup)
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