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  Emile deCuba celebrates 35 years at Ocean Village

    A celebration of Emile deCuba’s 35 years as Ocean  and Florida Atlantic University where he played ten-  glected Children and was in the finals for 7 years in
  Village’s Tennis Professional was held on Monday,  nis at both. Some of Emile’s many accomplishments  a row. Emile was the district representative for the
  March 1. A crowd of 100+ people gathered in front  include coaching at IRSU and taking that team to 8th  USTA’s After School Program, and the founder of
  of the Administration Building and paraded around to  place in the collegiate nationals in 1992. He has been  the Treasure Coast Tennis Academy for kids.
  Emile’s office to surprise him with a champagne toast.  a 35 year member of the USTA and the USPTA.  Emile’s friendly personality and sunny disposition
  Rod Lechtenberger, a long-time friend of Emile’s, was   He was awarded the USPTA’s District 9 Tennis  make learning and improving their tennis games, for
  the MC for the event, OVPOA President Jim Dob-  Pro of the Year and was named as the first profes-  the kids he teaches and the players here at Ocean
  bin presented a plaque of congratulations, and Dave  sional in the Sea Oaks (Vero Beach) Hall of Fame  Village, easy to enjoy. His unswerving commitment
  Clewell, Tennis Committee chairman, presented a gift  for winning the Scouter’s Tennis Classic three years  to public service and his talents as a teaching profes-
  from the entire tennis community of Ocean Village.  running. His other  community  service  included  sional are just two of the reasons the tennis program
  Rod told us about some of Emile’s exploits, includ-  Ocean Village’s annual Pro/AM to Benefit the Trea-  at Ocean Village has continued to grow and attract
  ing growing up on the island of Aruba. He came to  sure Coast Hospice for 20 years and now has a new  new residents to Ocean Village.
  the U.S. in 1978 to finish high school at John Carroll  beneficiary. For 26 years, he participated in the King       Submitted by Nancy Clewell
  H.S. and then attended Indian River State University  of the Hill tournament to benefit Abused and Ne-

   Dave Clewell with Emile deCuba.

                                                                           Emile with his plaque, POA president Jim Dobbin and Tennis Committee Chair-
                                                                           man Dave Clewell.
     Golf and Tennis Shop Happenings & More

       Moonlight Partners Putting Results         The putting course and the players shown bright-
                  April 10, 2021                  ly in the evening sky. Electricity was litterally and
   Format: 2 person better ball                   figureatively in the air. The tournament was de-
   PAR: 20                                        layed nearly two hours due to dangerous lightning
   1rst place:  Rob and Carol Shurman - 19        in the area. After play resumed, the Shurman’s
   2nd place:  Steve and Tina Ashlaw - 20         flawlessly  navigated  the  course  and  defended
   3rd place:  Susie Herr & John - 20             their night putting championship. Thanks to all
   Glo Putting Aces (Hole in Ones)                the participants and volunteers who made this          2021 Night Putting Champions
   Susie Herr - Hole #3 and Bailey Haines - Hole #1  such a special event. Congratulations!                  Rob and Carol Shurman
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